Suite Fee definition
Examples of Suite Fee in a sentence
Assume the initial state is at rest and the operator requiresat t = 0 a step velocity of magnitude V¯u.
The Suite Fee shall be payable in [*] instalments each year, with the first payment due on [*] and the second payment due on [*] and thereafter payable [*] during the Term.
Except as set forth under this agreement, the Suite Fee is payable in full regardless of utilization by Forty Seven and the Suite Fee shall not be reduced or refunded if Forty Seven does not make full use of the Assigned Capacity.
If Lonza is able to sell all or any part of such excess Assigned Capacity to a Third Party, Lonza shall refund to Forty Seven [*] the Suite Fee for such year with respect to each manufacturing slot Lonza is able to sell to a Third Party.
If Lonza is able to sell all or any part of such excess Assigned Capacity to a Third Party for a new project, Lonza shall refund to Forty Seven [*] the Suite Fee for such year with respect to each manufacturing slot Lonza is able to sell to a Third Party.
In addition to the Suite Fee and Batch fees in accordance with Clause 8.1, and he prices payable under Clause 8.2, Forty Seven shall pay for all Raw Materials, Resins, Safety Stock and the Raw materials Fee.
The use and possession of the Suite shall be contingent upon payment to Owner of the fee (the "Suite Fee") for each Contract Year at the times set forth herein and in the amounts set forth in Paragraph B, plus any sales, use, property or other governmental taxes due with respect to Licensee's use of the Suite or imposed upon the payment of the Suite Fee (except for any federal, state or local income, franchise or similar tax imposed upon Owner).
If, at any time during the term of this Agreement, any portion of the Suite Fee or any other amount payable by Licensee to Owner pursuant to this Agreement is not promptly paid when due, then Owner may, without waiving any other remedy which it may have under this Agreement, appropriate and apply all or any portion of the Security Deposit to the payment of such amount.
In addition to the Signature Fee, Forty Seven shall pay Lonza an annual Suite Fee of [*].
Any such abatement of the Suite Fee shall be computed annually by dividing the number of games and other events for which the Suite was unusable by Licensee by the total number of games and events in the Stadium for which Licensee was entitled use during the applicable year including the number of such scheduled games and events which were canceled as a result of any such damage or destruction.