Hookup fee definition

Hookup fee means a fee for the installation and inspection of any pipe, line,
Hookup fee means a fee for the installation and inspection of any pipe, line, meter, or appurtenance to connect to a county water, sewer, storm water, power, or other utility system.
Hookup fee means a fee for the installation and inspection of any pipe, line, meter, or appurtenance that connects to a municipal water, sewer, storm water, power, or other utility system.

Examples of Hookup fee in a sentence

  • FRESH WATER (A)Charges for fresh water delivered to vessels at piers or wharves shall be assessed as follows: Per ton, 250 gallons $3.042.95 The minimum invoice for fresh water charged per vessel shall be $90.00 Hook-up fee, per vessel $55.70 701.

  • The owner shall pay the District a $1,000.00 Sewer Hookup fee at the time the application is submitted.

  • FRESH WATER (A)Charges for fresh water delivered to vessels at piers or wharves shall be assessed as follows: Per ton, 250 gallons $3.13 The minimum invoice for fresh water charged per vessel shall be $90.00 Hook-up fee, per vessel $55.70 701.

  • Charges for filling swimming pools from fire hydrants shall be as follows: Hook-up fee - $50.00 per eventPlus water and sewer consumption charges according to the rates provided herein, based on pool capacity.

  • This fee will be five-percent, (5%) of Hook-up fee Balance annually.Payments will be made in the amount of no less then $100.00 per month until balance of fees are paid.Payments on this account will be in addition to the regular established monthly rates and associated fees.

  • FRESH WATER (A)Charges for fresh water delivered to vessels at piers or wharves shall be assessed as follows: Per ton, 250 gallons $3.22 The minimum invoice for fresh water charged per vessel shall be $90.00 Hook-up fee, per vessel $55.70 701.

  • FRESH WATER (A)Charges for fresh water delivered to vessels at piers or wharves shall be assessed as follows: Per ton, 250 gallons $3.32 The minimum invoice for fresh water charged per vessel shall be $90.00 Hook-up fee, per vessel $55.70 701.

  • Hookup fee: $100/resident, to cover the cost of the Board of Health’s making sure the hookup to the system has been done in accordance with law.

  • The following fees apply:• Hook-up fee: PYG 388,800.00• Cost of work: PYG 806,400.00 Request and connect to potable water service 15 days PYG 528,00012 Agency : Water Company In parallel with the sewage service, BuildCo. can also request the connection of water services.

  • The Hook-up fee is used by DCWWA to pay for inspecting the final connection from the property owner to the grinder pump.

More Definitions of Hookup fee

Hookup fee means a fee for the installation and inspection of any pipe, line, meter, or appurtenance to connect to a gas, water, sewer, storm water, power, or other utility system of a municipality, county, local district, special service district, or private entity.
Hookup fee means a fee for the installation and inspection of any pipe, line, 128 meter, or appurtenance that connects to a municipal water, sewer, storm water, power, or other 129 utility system.
Hookup fee means a fee for the installation and inspection of any pipe, line, 2271 meter, or appurtenance to connect to a gas, water, sewer, storm water, power, or other utility 2272 system of a municipality, county, [local] special district, special service district, or private 2273 entity. 2274 (9) (a) "Impact fee" means a payment of money imposed upon new development 2275 activity as a condition of development approval to mitigate the impact of the new development 2276 on public infrastructure. 2277 (b) "Impact fee" does not mean a tax, a special assessment, a building permit fee, a 2278 hookup fee, a fee for project improvements, or other reasonable permit or application fee. 2279 (10) "Impact fee analysis" means the written analysis of each impact fee required by 2280 Section 11-36a-303. 2281 (11) "Impact fee facilities plan" means the plan required by Section 11-36a-301. 2282 (12) "Level of service" means the defined performance standard or unit of demand for 2283 each capital component of a public facility within a service area. 2284 (13) (a) "Local political subdivision" means a county, a municipality, a [local] special 2285 district under [Title 17B, Limited Purpose Local Government Entities - Local Districts] Title 2286 17B, Limited Purpose Local Government Entities - Special Districts, a special service district 2287 under Title 17D, Chapter 1, Special Service District Act, or the Point of the Mountain State 2288 Land Authority, created in Section 11-59-201. 2289 (b) "Local political subdivision" does not mean a school district, whose impact fee 2290 activity is governed by Section 11-36a-206. 2291 (14) "Private entity" means an entity in private ownership with at least 100 individual 2292 shareholders, customers, or connections, that is located in a first, second, third, or fourth class 2293 county and provides water to an applicant for development approval who is required to obtain 2294 water from the private entity either as a: 2295 (a) specific condition of development approval by a local political subdivision acting 2296 pursuant to a prior agreement, whether written or unwritten, with the private entity; or
Hookup fee means a fee for the installation and inspection of any pipe, line, 1331 meter, or appurtenance that connects to a municipal water, sewer, storm water, power, or other 1332 utility system. 1333 (21) "Identical plans" means building plans submitted to a municipality that: 1334 (a) are clearly marked as "identical plans"; 1335 (b) are substantially identical to building plans that were previously submitted to and 1336 reviewed and approved by the municipality; and 1337 (c) describe a building that: 1338 (i) is located on land zoned the same as the land on which the building described in the 1339 previously approved plans is located; 1340 (ii) is subject to the same geological and meteorological conditions and the same law 1341 as the building described in the previously approved plans; 1342 (iii) has a floor plan identical to the building plan previously submitted to and reviewed 1343 and approved by the municipality; and 1344 (iv) does not require any additional engineering or analysis. 1345 (22) "Impact fee" means a payment of money imposed under Title 11, Chapter 36a, 1346 Impact Fees Act. 1347 (23) "Improvement completion assurance" means a surety bond, letter of credit, 1348 financial institution bond, cash, assignment of rights, lien, or other equivalent security required 1349 by a municipality to guaranty the proper completion of landscaping or an infrastructure 1350 improvement required as a condition precedent to: 1351 (a) recording a subdivision plat; or 1352 (b) development of a commercial, industrial, mixed use, or multifamily project. 1353 (24) "Improvement warranty" means an applicant's unconditional warranty that the 1354 applicant's installed and accepted landscaping or infrastructure improvement: 1355 (a) complies with the municipality's written standards for design, materials, and 1356 workmanship; and 1357 (b) will not fail in any material respect, as a result of poor workmanship or materials, 1358 within the improvement warranty period. 1359 (25) "Improvement warranty period" means a period: 1360 (a) no later than one year after a municipality's acceptance of required landscaping; or

Related to Hookup fee

  • Initial Fee means any applicable one-off initial or installation fee, as may be stated in an Order;

  • Annual Fee has the meaning stated in Section 4.02(a).

  • Annual Fees means the annual fees determined by the Council in terms of section 27;