Summary Abstract Instructions definition

Summary Abstract Instructions. All DEED scholarship recipients are required to complete a Summary Abstract for their projects. These will be posted to the online DEED project database. The purpose of the abstract is to inform staff at other public power utilities about your experiences and the project’s results. We more often learn from our mistakes than our successes, so be honest about the outcome of the project. An electronic version of the abstract is required. This may be submitted through the DEED scholarship management system, the same platform where your application was submitted. Log in at xxxx:// to upload your abstract. Please provide complete information for each section, however keep in mind that the document length should not exceed two pages. The information required for the abstract includes:
Summary Abstract Instructions. All DEED scholarship recipients are required to complete a Summary Abstract for their scholarships. These will be posted to the online DEED project database. The purpose of the abstract is to inform staff at other public power utilities about experiences and results of the internship. We more often learn from our mistakes than our successes, so be honest about the outcome. An electronic version of the abstract is required. This may be submitted through the DEED scholarship management system, the same platform where your application was submitted. Log in at xxxx:// to upload your abstract. Please provide complete information for each section, however keep in mind that the document length should not exceed two pages. The information required includes:

Related to Summary Abstract Instructions

  • instructions for use means the information provided by the manufacturer to inform the user of the device’s intended purpose and proper use and of any precautions to be taken;

  • Technical Specifications A specification in a document defining the characteristics of a product or a service, such as the quality levels, the environmental and climate performance levels, the design for all needs, including accessibility for people with disabilities, and the evaluation of conformity, of product performance, of the use of the product, safety or dimensions, as well as requirements applicable to the product as regards the name by which it is sold, terminology, symbols, testing and test methods, packaging, marking or labelling, instructions for use, the production processes and methods at every stage in the life cycle of the supply or service, as well as the evaluation and conformity procedures;