Learn More Sample Clauses
Learn More. Learn about your state’s teen driving laws, better understand teens’ attitudes about driving or get tips for talking with your teen about safer driving. The Allstate Foundation has resources to help make a difference. xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/xxxx-xxxxxxx Of teens ages 13-19 who died in car crashes in 2012, 52% of drivers and 59% of passengers were not wearing a seat belt. AGREEMENT
Learn More. For more information about the First Nations Clean Energy Business Fund and how to apply, call 0 000 000-0000 toll-free or visit: xxxx://xxx.xxx.xx.xx/arr/economic/fncebf.html
Learn More. To find out more about how the Red Cross helps members of the military, veterans and their families prepare for, cope with, and respond to, the chal- lenges of military service visit www. xxxxxxxx.xxx.
Learn More. In partnership with the NC Coastal Reserve, NC Sea Grant, and The Nature Conservancy, APNEP is using a grant from NOAA Digital Coasts and the National Estuarine Research Reserve Association (NERRA) to develop an Engagement Strategy to support Study development. The grant is geared towards assisting marginalized communities with flooding through equitable engagement. The team developed a Steering Committee, expanding the regional partnership beyond the grant partners to ensure development of a product that will help local decision makers with flooding, drainage, and regional water management issues. implement Study recommendations, pilot demonstrations projects, future phases, and for project expansion beyond the current geographic scope.
Learn More. To learn more about public sector bargaining in B.C., visit: xxx.xxx.xx.xx/xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Learn More. For more information about the Coastal GasLink Pipeline project, search for “Coastal GasLink” on this website: xxxxx://xxxxxxxx.xxx.xxx.xx.xx/projects-list
Learn More. Now that your account is created and linked to K-State, choose “My Profle” to modify your profile settings to include your first and last names, along with a photo. This is especially helpful to others who may be searching for your account to add it to class or research groups. Your New Esri Account is Now Linked to K-State! Confirm you have successfully signed in by clicking the icon at the top right of the page that has replaced the original Sign In button. You should now see your name and a very long and cryptic account name. This is normal. Remember, whenever you log in, you only need to know your K-State eID and password, not this long computer-generated username.
Learn More. Sign In to the Esri Academy K-State's Esri site license agreement makes free enrollment available for most courses comprising the Web- based curriculum of the Esri Academy. These courses are self- paced and typically range from 3 to 21 hours in duration. User accounts authorized with K-State’s ArcGIS Online Portal are also granted permission to take Web-based training modules free of charge through the Esri Academy (xxxxx://xxx.xxxx.xxx/training). To get started, just click on the sign in button. Learn More... Remember, you must enter “kstate” in “Your ArcGIS organizations’ URL” window. Do not enter a username and password in the “ArcGIS Login” part of the window! Sign In to the Esri Academy, continued Next, enter “kstate” in the Your ArcGIS organization’s URL window. Learn More... Remember, you must click on the blue “Kansas State University” button and not enter a username and password in the “ArcGIS Login” part of the window! Sign In to the Esri Academy, continued Finally, click on the Kansas State University button and when prompted enter your K-State eID and password. Learn More... Our site license agreement also allows for significant cost savings should someone be interested in traveling to an Esri office for "in person" Instructor-Led training classes. See the K-State GIScience Virtual Collaboratory website (xxxxx://xxx.xxx.xxx) for more details. Sign In for Esri Academy, continued Once you are signed into the Esri Academy, you may click on the Catalog button and search for courses by name or topic. ??? Need further assistance? Have questions? Faculty, staff, and students in each college at Kansas State University have dedicated faculty members who can help answer questions related to Esri software, the online Esri Academy, and other benefits available through the Esri software sight license agreement. Only a handful of designated K-State representatives are authorized to obtain software directly from Esri or to contact Esri directly for technical support. Depending on the home college of your academic unit, one of the following people should be your first point of contact for assistance, questions, and troubleshooting technical issues:
Learn More. ArcGIS Pro is the latest professional desktop GIS application from Esri. With ArcGIS Pro, you can explore, visualize, and analyze data; create 2D maps and 3D scenes; and share your work directory to ArcGIS Online or your ArcGIS Enterprise portal. Connect to a Different ArcGIS Online Portal Website Now that you are successfully signed into ArcGIS Pro, look again at the upper right corner. Here you can see that I am signed in and, by default, connected to Esri’s ArcGIS Online portal (xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxx.xxx). If you’d like to connect to a different ArcGIS portal site—like K-State’s—find and click on the Settings button in the lower left of the ArcGIS Pro intro window.
Learn More. Since signing of the agreement, CAHSAH has identified specific products and services that are frequently used by our members and those which will provide some immediate realized benefits; the third Featured Agreement is Telecommunications.