Examples of Supervisor Positions in a sentence
The following person spoke:Pat Miller, Sutter County Tax Payer’s AssociationCouncilmember Starkey moved to adopt Resolution No. 14-072 consolidating the Recreation Supervisor Positions I, II and III into a two level series that is flexibly staffed and replace the Senior Planner position with a Principal Planner while authorizing the Director of Finance to amend the salary schedule as necessary to reflect the consolidations as outlined in the staff report.
Note: this clause is not applicable to the staffing of Team Supervisor Positions.
Supervisor & Assistant Supervisor Positions E.S. Cropconsult personnel provide professional consulting in pest and disease monitoring to local farmers and have expert knowledge of local agricultural challenges.
As a result of the Deputy Recorder – Operations’ proposed re-organization of the Recording Operations Division, the Recorder created three unionized Assistant Supervisor Positions and intends to post them internally pursuant to the CollectiveBargaining Agreement.
With the elimination of the Assistant Supervisor and Supervisor Positions, employees previously designated as an Assistant Supervisor shall be designated as a Senior Telecommunicator and employees previously designated as a Supervisor shall be designated as a Lead Telecommunicator.
We have an exciting opportunity for a full-time permanent Supervisor Position and two Assistant Supervisor Positions in the Fraser Valley and Metro Vancouver.
Beverly, once job description is approved tonight will be the Director of Communications and the goal is to have 2 Dispatch Supervisor Positions.
Ross points to the Budget Sheets which indicate that, prior to this assignment, the City Planner Supervisor Positions were held to be “vacancies,” and after the assignment, the positions were no longer deemed vacancies.The City, on the other hand, argues that the City Planner Supervisor positions remained vacant until Griffin and Feinberg were formally promoted to the position in September 1997, two months after Ross’s preference had expired.
Fees are due on the Effective Date and each anniversary thereof and are based on the number of Program Supervisor Positions (the greater of (1) the number of individuals with supervisory responsibility at the agency or (2) the number of supervisor FTEs that are required to be implementing the model with fidelity (at least one per eight nurse home visitors).
Doyle School and Wood-Ridge Intermediate SchoolUpon the recommendation of the Interim CSA, the Board of Education approves the recommendation from Mr. Anthony Albro and Mr. Robert Recchione to create two (2) Before-School Supervisor Positions who will be available 30 minutes prior to the start of the teacher day and (1) After-School Supervisor Position who will be available 30 minutes following teacher dismissal time at both the C.