Supplement, not supplant definition

Supplement, not supplant means that the categorical funding shall be in addition to general purpose revenues; that categorical funding shall not be used to provide services required by federal or state law, administrative rule, or local policy; and that general-purpose revenues shall not be diverted for other purposes because of the availability of categorical funding. Supplanting is presumed to have occurred if the school district uses categorical funding to provide services that it was required to make available under other categorical funding or law, or uses categorical funding to provide services that it provided in prior years from general purpose revenues, or uses categorical funding to provide services to a particular group of children or programs for which it uses general purpose revenues to provide the same or similar services to other groups of
Supplement, not supplant means that the categorical funding shall be in addition to general purpose revenues; that categorical funding shall not be used to provide services required by federal or state law, administrative rule, or local policy; and that general-purpose revenues shall not be diverted for other purposes because of the availability of categorical funding. Supplanting is presumed to have occurred if the school district uses categorical funding to provide services that it was required to make available under other categorical funding or law, or uses categorical funding to provide services that it provided in prior years from general purpose revenues, or uses categorical funding to provide services to a particular group of children or programs for which it uses general purpose revenues to provide the same or similar services to other groups of children or programs. These presumptions are rebuttable if the school district can demonstrate that it would not have provided the services in question with general purpose revenues if the categorical funding had not been available” (281 IAC 98.1).
Supplement, not supplant provision means that Federal funds must be used to supplement the level of funds from non-Federal sources by providing additional services, staff, programs, or materials. In other words, Federal funds normally cannot be used to pay for things that would otherwise be paid for with state or local funds (and in some cases with other Federal funds).

Examples of Supplement, not supplant in a sentence

  • Supplement, not supplant In accordance with program-specific authorizing laws and regulations implementing those laws, federal funds must generally be used to increase, to the extent practical, the level of non-federal funds that would be available in the absence of federal funds, and in no case to replace those federal funds.

More Definitions of Supplement, not supplant

Supplement, not supplant means that the categorical funding shall be in addition to general purpose revenues; that categorical funding shall not be used to provide services required by federal or state law, administrative rule, or local policy; and that general-purpose revenues shall not be diverted for other purposes because of the availability of categorical funding. Supplanting is presumed to have occurred if
Supplement, not supplant. Implementing with fidelity a student-centered funding system should satisfy the requirement in ESEA section 1118(b)(2) that an LEA demonstrate it has a methodology for allocating State and local funds to each Title I school that ensures the school receives all of the State and local funds it would otherwise receive if it were not receiving Title I, Part A funds. Although an LEA cannot distinguish State and local funds from the Federal funds included in its student-centered funding system, an LEA may presume it has met ESEA section 1118(b)(2) if it implements its system so that the State and local funds that are included in the system include the funds that Title I, Part A schools would have received if they were not Title I, Part A schools.
Supplement, not supplant provision means that federal funds must be used to supplement the level of funds from non-federal sources by providing additional services, staff, programs, or materials. In other

Related to Supplement, not supplant

  • Security Agreement Supplement has the meaning specified in the Security Agreement.

  • Supplemental Agreement means an agreement supplemental to this Agreement, substantially in the form set out in Schedule 1 to this Agreement to be entered into by the Secretary of State and the Company pursuant to which the Company agrees to establish and maintain, and to carry on or provide for the carrying on, and the Secretary of State agrees to fund, an Academy in accordance with the terms and conditions of that Supplemental Agreement and this Agreement;

  • Intellectual Property Security Agreement Supplement means, collectively, any intellectual property security agreement supplement entered into in connection with, and pursuant to the terms of, any Intellectual Property Security Agreement.

  • Dietary supplement means a product, other than tobacco, that:

  • Programme Agreement means the programme agreement entered into on or about the date hereof between, inter alios, the Guarantor, the Sellers, the Issuer, the Representative of the Covered Bondholders and the Dealers.

  • Country Supplement means a supplement to this Prospectus specifying certain information pertaining to the offer of Shares of the Company or a Fund or Class in a particular jurisdiction or jurisdictions.

  • User Agreement means an agreement for the provision of Access to the Services.

  • TRIPS Agreement means the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights;

  • End User Agreement means any agreement that Eligible Users are required to sign in order to participate in this Contract, including an end user agreement, customer agreement, memorandum of understanding, statement of work, lease agreement, service level agreement, or any other named separate agreement.