Supplemental material definition

Supplemental material means learning material that:
Supplemental material means educational material
Supplemental material means learning material that an educator selects for classroom use which the Board of Education has not considered and adopted, approved, or prohibited for classroom use.

Examples of Supplemental material in a sentence

  • Supplemental material can be a video, dataset, fileset, sound file or anything which supports (and is pertinent to) your paper.

  • Supplemental material must be specifically related to the item in the Agenda Packet.

  • Supplemental material - recharacterizing the meta- bolic state of energy balance in thrifty and spendthrift phenotypes.

  • In oxidation, this PAH is still formed by the combination of two C5H5 radicals, but its formation is in competition with the oxidation of the radicals, which reaches 75% of C5H5 consumption, as shown in the flow analysis of cyclopentadienyl radicals presented in the Supplemental material (Figure S8).

  • Supplemental material provided after the hearing ad- journs, shall be placed on the Committee website no later than 24 hours after receipt of such material.

More Definitions of Supplemental material

Supplemental material means any items that are produced and released along with a Work Product but are not part of that Work Product. Such materials are typically released along with a standard to aid in proliferation of that standard. Such material may include a software
Supplemental material with respect to a textbook, means instructional material developed to accompany the textbook, including printed materials, computer disks, website access, and electronically distributed materials, other than material that is part of an integrated textbook.
Supplemental material means, at any time, all crude oil held by Xxxx in any of the Included Supplemental Facilities.
Supplemental material means educational material developed to accompany a college textbook that (i) may include printed materials, computer discs, Internet website access, and electronically distributed materials and (ii) is not developed by a third party and, by third party contractual agreement, may not be offered by a publisher separately.
Supplemental material means educational material developed to accompany a college textbook that is not being used as a component of an integrated textbook. “Supplemental material” includes printed materials and electronic materials such as computer disks and web access codes.