Supplementary Assessment definition
Examples of Supplementary Assessment in a sentence
It must be noted that the Supplementary Assessment should not be considered as an alternative End Assessment.
The Supplementary Assessment, where offered, will normally be worth 100% of the supplementary mark for the module.
Where a module does not have a Supplementary Assessment, mitigation requests for that module’s End Assessment will not be considered.
The student’s final grade will be based solely on the Supplementary Assessment result.
In the event the Association shall determine that the estimate of total charges for the current year is, or will become inadequate to meet all Common Expenses for any reason, it shall promptly determine the approximate amount of such inadequacy and issue a Supplementary Assessment.
Where mitigation is accepted for the End-Assessment and the given module has a Supplementary Assessment, the End-Assessment mark will remain unchanged or absent as appropriate and the Supplementary Assessment will not be capped.
Students who score less than 40% in a module are not eligible for a Supplementary Assessment for that module.
For each Property Category, MPAC will track the period of time it takes from when the property commences to be used until the Supplementary Assessment Change and the related Omitted Assessment Change is entered into and approved in MPAC’s systems.
Such students will be given an opportunity for End Assessment and Supplementary Assessment.
A student who scores 40% or higher but fails to achieve the 50% pass mark in a module after all assessment components have been considered may be given the opportunity to take a Supplementary Assessment, if available for the given module, that assesses the entire module.