Examples of Supplier Invoice in a sentence
Supplier Invoice showing Purchase Order Number, goods’ description, quantity, unit price, Total amount.
This amount will populate based on the amounts entered above that were paid by P-Card, Supplier Invoice, or Interfund.
This amount reflects all expenses to be reimbursed to the traveler, as well as any expenses paid by Supplier Invoice, P-Card, or Interfund.
Using your fully executed contract, the organization’s treasurer must submit a Supplier Invoice Request on Workday.
Relevant Part: the proportion of any Relevant Supplier Invoice which relates to those Goods which a Customer has failed to make payment for and as a result has given rise to an Exceptional Circumstance.
The Purchasing Card (P-Card) is designed to improve efficiency in the Purchasing Department by paying for low dollar items and giving Departments direct buying power, thus reducing the number of Requisitions and Supplier Invoice Requests, and reducing costs associated with making payments.
Relevant Supplier Invoice: an invoice due from SIDA DDS to the Supplier in respect of Goods where a Customer’s failure to pay for such Goods has given rise an Exceptional Circumstance.
If Recovery Amounts are recovered from a defaulting Supplier in the month prior to the month in which the Supplier Invoice is issued, the recovered funds will be a credit in that Supplier Invoice for those Suppliers who paid any invoice which included an amount on account of those Recovery Amounts.
If amounts are subsequently recovered in respect of a Bad Debt Amount, the recovered funds will be offset against the next Supplier Invoice for those Suppliers who paid any invoice in the month in which the amount due from a Supplier that is the subject of a Bad Debt Amount originally fell due.
If funds are subsequently recovered from a defaulting Supplier in the month prior to the month in which the Supplier Invoice is issued, the recovered funds will be a credit in that Supplier Invoice for those Suppliers who paid an invoice in respect of an Interim Supplier Contribution or any other invoice issued to a Supplier which included an amount in respect of that defaulting Supplier's contribution.