Examples of Sustainability goal in a sentence
Sustainability goal means the existence and implementation of one or more groundwater sustainability plans that achieve sustainable groundwater management by identifying and causing the implementation of measures targeted to ensure that the applicable basin is operated within its sustainable yield.
In paragraph 31 of IPHC-2018-SRB012-R, “the SRB AGREED that the defined Bioregions (i.e. 2,3,4, and 4b described in paper IPHC-2018-SRB012-08) are presently the best option for implementing a precautionary approach given uncertainty about spatial population structure and dynamics of Pacific halibut.” Therefore, objectives related to conserving some level of spatial population structure should be included under the Biological Sustainability goal.
The Sustainability goal is a result of the American College and University Presidents’ Climate Commitment regarding the impact of global warming.
Sustainability goal: To support the socially and environmentally sustainable economic development of the region Passenger transport is a key component of a highly functional transport system that enhances the natural and built environment and attracts businesses and workers.
Additionally, we provide data related to sustainability curriculum development with the Sustainability Education and Learning Committee (see OSU Sustainability goal #1).
Sustainability goal 9 and 11 also plays key role in smart city efforts, where goal number 9 relate to innovation and infrastructure and sustainability goal number 11 focus on collaboration(DOGA, 2019).1.2 Research objectivesThe purpose of the thesis is to research citizen labs, citizen participation and smart cities.
Operating Units should encourage their facility and/or operations managers use this handbook as a reference to more effectively manage resources and improve performance against each Sustainability goal.
Memo describing the development process and the final sustainability goals for each subbasin.2. Sustainability goal descriptions compliant with SGMA regulations and in a format suitable for inclusion in each GSP and the GSP Portal.
Having reviewed the rules in the Proposed Plan, we note that ‘retail activities’, ‘commercial services’ and ‘commercial activities’ are all permitted land use activities with no performance standards to differentiate between the activities in the Business and Business Town Centre zones.
A list of all similar current and completed projects that the firm has conducted related to GHG Baseline analysis and/or Sustainability goal setting programs during the last five years.