Table 3 Material Confirmation Sheet (sample)
Table 4 Ending this Addendum when the Approved Addendum Changes
Table 2 means Table 2 of the Reporting ITS.
Table wine means wine that contains not more than 16% of alcohol by volume and includes
Table E academic outcomes at receiving institution
Table 1 means Table 1 of the Reporting ITS.
Table means the table at the end of this §4a.
Required Reserve Factor Floor means, for any Calculation Period, the sum (expressed as a percentage) of (a) 28.00% plus (b) the product of the Adjusted Dilution Ratio and the Dilution Horizon Ratio, in each case, as of the immediately preceding Cut-Off Date.
Non-potable water means water not safe for drinking, personal, or culinary use as determined by the requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 604.
Table A means Table A in the First Schedule;
Annual summative evaluation rating means an annual evaluation rating that is based on appraisals of educator practice and student performance, and includes all measures captured in a teacher’s evaluation rubric. The four summative performance categories are ineffective, partially effective, effective, and highly effective.
Applicable Measurement Period means the most recently completed four consecutive fiscal quarters of the Issuer immediately preceding the Applicable Calculation Date for which internal financial statements are available.
Method Detection Limit (MDL means the minimum concentration of a substance (analyte) that can be measured and reported with 99 percent confidence that the analyte concentration is greater than zero and is determined from analysis of a sample in a given matrix containing the analyte.
DNS test Means one non-‐recursive DNS query sent to a particular “IP address” (via UDP or TCP). If DNSSEC is offered in the queried DNS zone, for a query to be considered answered, the signatures must be positively verified against a corresponding DS record published in the parent zone or, if the parent is not signed, against a statically configured Trust Anchor. The answer to the query must contain the corresponding information from the Registry System, otherwise the query will be considered unanswered. A query with a “DNS resolution RTT” 5 times higher than the corresponding SLR, will be considered unanswered. The possible results to a DNS test are: a number in milliseconds corresponding to the “DNS resolution RTT” or, undefined/unanswered.
Standard reference compendia means the American Medical Association Drug Evaluations, the
Minimum Level (ML means the concentration at which the entire analytical system must give a recognizable signal and an acceptable calibration point. The ML is the concentration in a sample that is equivalent to the concentration of the lowest calibration standard analyzed by a specific analytical procedure, assuming that all the method-specified sample weights, volumes and processing steps have been followed.
Three-dimensional reference system means a system as described in Appendix 2 to this annex;
COVID-19 test means a viral test for SARS-CoV-2 that is:
EPP test Means one EPP command sent to a particular “IP address” for one of the EPP servers. Query and transform commands, with the exception of “create”, shall be about existing objects in the Registry System. The response shall include appropriate data from the Registry System. The possible results to an EPP test are: a number in milliseconds corresponding to the “EPP command RTT” or undefined/unanswered.
FAP means the Organization’s Financial Assistance Policy, which is a policy to provide Financial Assistance to eligible Patients in furtherance of the Organization’s and Ascension Health’s mission and in compliance with 501(r).
Random selection basis means a mechanism for selection of employees that:
Rentable Square Feet as used in the Lease will be deemed to include: (a) with respect to the Premises, the usable area of the Premises determined in accordance with the Method for Measuring Floor Area in Office Buildings, ANSI Z65.1-1996 (the "BOMA Standard"), plus a pro rata portion of the main lobby area on the ground floor and all elevator machine rooms, electrical and telephone equipment rooms and mail delivery facilities and other areas used by all tenants of the Building, if any, plus (i) for single tenancy floors, all the area covered by the elevator lobbies, corridors, special stairways, restrooms, mechanical rooms, electrical rooms and telephone closets on such floors, or (ii) for multiple tenancy floors, a pro-rata portion of all of the area covered by the elevator lobbies, corridors, special stairways, restrooms, mechanical rooms, electrical rooms and telephone closets on such floor; and (b) with respect to the Building, the total rentable area for all floors in the Building computed in accordance with the provisions of Subparagraph 1(a) above. In calculating the "Rentable Square Feet" of the Premises or the Building, the area contained within the exterior walls of the Building stairs, fire towers, vertical ducts, elevator shafts, flues, vents, stacks and major pipe shafts will be excluded.
Method detection limit means the minimum concentration of a hazardous substance that can be measured and reported with 99% confidence that the analyte concentration is greater than zero and is determined from analysis of a sample in a given matrix that contains the analyte.
Mean Sea Level means the average height of the sea for all stages of the tide. It is used as a reference for establishing various elevations within the floodplain. For the purposes of this Ordinance, the term is synonymous with the National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) of 1929, the North American Vertical Datum (NAVD) of 1988, or other datum, to which Base Flood Elevations shown on a community's Flood Insurance Rate Map are referenced.
Method Detection Level or “MDL” means the minimum concentration of an analyte (substance) that can be measured and reported with a ninety- nine percent (99%) confidence that the analyte concentration is greater than zero (0) as determined by procedure set forth in 40 CFR 136, Appendix B. The method detection level or MDL is equivalent to the LOD.
Categorical pretreatment standard means any national pretreatment standard specifying quantities or concentrations of pollutants or pollutant properties which may be discharged to a POTW by existing or new industrial users in specific industrial subcategories, promulgated by the administrator in accordance with section 307 of the act and established under 40 C.F.R. chapter I, subchapter N.