Examples of Tank 1 in a sentence
Tank 1) Provide double-wall ACT-100 [Type I] [Type II] underground storage tank(s) for the storage of [petroleum products] at near atmospheric pressure.
Consequently, the local user (i.e., the Server station) can be monitoring the level of Tank #1 while the remote user (i.e., the Client station) is monitoring the level of Tank #2.
Tank #1 (SN-03) was constructed in 1965, Tank #2 (SN-04) was constructed in 1970, and Tank #3 (SN-05) was constructed in 1973.
Tank 1) Provide double-wall ACT-100-U [Type I] [Type II] underground storage tank(s) for the storage of [petroleum products] at near atmospheric pressure.
There are three above-ground storage tanks located in the maintenance and workshop building area to the northeast of the Project Site: Tank 1 is an in-service 1,000-gallon gasoline tank; Tank 2 is an in-service 500-gallon diesel tank; and Tank 3 is an in-service 275- gallon No. 2 fuel oil tank.
A sample of STE was collected from the feed line connecting STE Storage Tank 1 (PNRS II-STE-T1) to Hydrosplitter 1 which supplies STE to the single pass Stage 1 biofilters (Figure 1).
In addition, the facility requested the following changes: The removal of the Main Boiler (SN-01) which was retired in April 2003. The listing of the Auxiliary Boiler (SN-02) as an Insignificant Activity. The removal of Fuel Oil Storage Tank #1 (SN-03). The addition of language to treat the CO monitor as a 40 CFR Part 75 monitor as agreed upon in CAO LIS#06-078. The removal of daily observation of opacity requirement when burning natural gas for SN-06.
SN-01 (Tank #1) is a 1,111,911 gallon internal floating roof tank with a liquid-mounted primary seal which was installed in 1980.
For clarity, only results from Tank 1 (TK1) and Tank 5 (TK5) are shown.
Single Family Residential Systems* Fee EscrowNew Installation $1,000 N/AReplacement Tank $500 N/A Multi-Family and Non-Residential*New Installation or Replacement Tank $1,000 for 1st EDU N/A(Replacement Tank (1 EDU=217 gallons/per day)) plus $200 for each additional EDU *Fee includes: application review, 4 soil probes & 2 percolation tests during 1 site visit and system installation observation.