Tender Submission Deadline definition
Tender Submission Deadline means the time and date set out in paragraph 14 for the latest uploading of Tenders; and
Tender Submission Deadline means the Tender submission date and time as set out in the RFT and /or Notice of Project and may be amended from time to time in accordance with the terms of this RFT.
Tender Submission Deadline means the time and date set out in paragraph 5.1 for the latest uploading of Tenders.
Examples of Tender Submission Deadline in a sentence
Tender Submission Deadline Tenders must be received by the Procuring Entity at the address specified in the SIT no later than the date and time specified in the SIT no later than the date and time as specified in the SIT.
Tenders received after the Tender Submission Deadline will not be considered.
The Municipality of Magnetawan may issue addenda to clarify and/or modify certain aspects of the RFT prior to the Tender Submission Deadline.
Any submission received after the Tender Submission Deadline specified above will be disqualified.
Tender Submission Deadline Tenders must be received by the Procuring Entity at the address specified in the SIT no later than the date and time specified in the SIT.
More Definitions of Tender Submission Deadline
Tender Submission Deadline means the final date by which Tenderers must submit their Tender as set out in Section 2 of this ITT and as may be amended from time to time by the Authority.
Tender Submission Deadline means 11:00 am on the Tender Closing Date, or such later date, or time, as may be extended by JTC pursuant to Condition 2.3.
Tender Submission Deadline means the time and data set out in paragraph 2 for the latest uploading of Tenders; and
Tender Submission Deadline means the time and date set out in paragraph 4 by which all action to complete questionnaires and attach documents must have finished. When the deadline has been reached access to the eSourcing Suite will be denied.
Tender Submission Deadline means the time and date set out in paragraph 4 for the latest uploading of Tenders.2.introduction 2.1This Further Competition Invitation relates to the Further Competition to award a [Insert Contract Title] Contract to a sole Supplier. 2.2This Further Competition Invitation contains the information and instructions the Potential Provider needs to submit a Tender. 2.3This Further Competition is being conducted under the CCS Transport Technology and Associated Services Framework Agreement (reference RM6099). 3.OVERVIEW OF Invitation to tender 3.1The following appendices accompany this ITT: 3.1.1Appendix A – Order FormSets out rights and obligations which apply to the Potential Provider and the Authority during this Further Competition as per the core clauses of the contract, alternative and additional provisions and specific standards. 3.1.2Appendix B – Specification services under the relevant LotA detailed description of the Services that the Supplier will be required to supply to the Authority. 3.1.3Appendix C – Further Competition Questionnaire The questionnaire created by the Authority, is used to test the suitability of the Potential Providers to meet necessary criteria in order to provide the required services. This is used to provide final scoring and decide the successful supplier. 4.FURTHER COMPETITION TIMETABLE 4.1The timetable for this Further Competition is set out in the table below. [The timetable below is an example] 4.2The Authority may change this timetable at any time. Potential Providers will be informed if changes to this timetable are necessary. 4.3The Authority must receive all Tenders before the Tender Submission Deadline. 4.4Tenders after the Tender Submission Deadline may be rejected by the Authority to ensure that all Potential Providers are treated fairly. The decision whether to reject a Tender received after the Tender Submission Deadline is made entirely at the Authority’s discretion.
Tender Submission Deadline means the time and date set out in Table 2 by which Tenders must be received by the Authority. 2.introduction 2.1Welcome to the Further Competition for the provision of Solar PV to the Authority. 2.2The aim of the Further Competition is to award a Solar PV Contract for the Authority departments set out in Table 1. 2.3This Further Competition Invitation contains the information and instructions Bidders need to submit a Tender. 2.4The Further Competition is being conducted through the Heat Networks and Electricity Generation Assets DPS (HELGA) RM3824 (“the Framework”) which was established by Crown Commercial Services (CCS) in 2018. Table 1 HM Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS) HM Courts and Tribunals Service (HMCTS) 3.OVERVIEW OF Invitation to tender 3.1The following appendices accompany this Further Competition Invitation: 3.1.1Appendix A – Terms of the Further Competition Sets out rights and obligations which apply to the Bidder and the Authority during this Further Competition. 3.1.2Appendix B – Specification A detailed description of the services that the Supplier will be required to supply to the Authority. 3.1.3Appendix C – Pricing Schedule To be completed by the Bidder and uploaded in the Commercial Envelope. 3.1.4Appendix D – Service 1 and Service 2 Contract Order Form The Terms and Conditions of the contract.
Tender Submission Deadline means the time and date for the latest uploading of Tenders;