Tier 1 Decision definition
Examples of Tier 1 Decision in a sentence
The system is managed by a Student Academic Integrity Co-ordinator for the purpose of referring the concern to the Course Convenor (Tier 1 Decision Maker) or the Dean (Learning & Teaching) (Tier 2 Decision Maker).
Unless the Stakeholder Committee has appointed a Team Chair, the Issue Team will elect a Team Chair from among its voting Members and attempt to reach a consensus on the decision or to restate the proposed Tier 1 Decision for reconsideration by the Stakeholder Committee at that meeting.
At the conclusion of discussion of a proposed Tier 1 Decision, the Facilitator will determine if the Stakeholder Committee has reached Cconsensus by inquiring if there is objection.
If a Tier 1 Decision that has been submitted to the Issue Team process is voted upon pursuant to Subpartsection 7.8.6 and is not approved, the Stakeholder Committee, by majority vote of the entire membership, may assign a revised version to the Issue Team using the procedures provided in Subpartssections 7.8.1 through this Subpartsection 7.8.7 either at the same meeting or, if not considering an Expedited Tier 1 Decision, at a subsequent meeting.
The members of each Issue Team will be nominated by the Facilitator, or by the Chair if there is no Facilitator, and approved by at least 75 percent vote of the entire Stakeholder Committee, and must be representative of the full range of views on the proposed Tier 1 Decision.
If the Stakeholder Committee indicates it has not reached Cconsensus on the proposed Tier 1 Decision, the Facilitator will proceed as provided in Subsection 7.8. If a Facilitator is not appointed, the Chair may take the actions otherwise assigned to the Facilitator pursuant to this Subpart.
If, after following the procedures of Subpart 7.7.3, the Stakeholder Committee has not reached Cconsensus on any Tier 1 Decision, an Issue Team will be appointed to further deliberate and develop the Tier 1 Decision.
Jurisdiction This Agreement will be subject to the applicable laws set forth in the table below, as set forth therein, without reference to any conflict of laws rules.
Refer to the definitions in section 3 to determine who the Responsible Staff Member or Decision Maker will be under the policy.The Accommodation Manager is the Tier 2 Decision Maker under this policy.The Residential Life Coordinator is the Tier 1 Decision Maker under this Policy.
On receipt or identification of a concern of academic misconduct by the Tier 1 Decision Maker, a Concern about a Possible Breach of Academic Integrity is initiated within the Student Academic Integrity Management System by the Tier 1 Decision Maker.