Time charge definition
Examples of Time charge in a sentence
Here, the point in time at which the assignment is made is very important, because it determines whether the firm can immediately reduce capacities after a sale.
Disables the automatic DV/DT charge termination feature and enables Voltage Time charge termination.
Time charge rates should be inserted in all cases, since if any additional work is undertaken, it is charged on a time basis.
A refusal or failure to respond to an overtime callout will result in a Red Time charge.
DVDT DISABLE Disables the automatic DV/DT charge termination feature and enables Voltage Time charge termination.
Time charge fees are based on agreed hourly, weekly or monthly rates for staff named in the contract or defined categories of staff and the time worked by such staff.
IBM One Time Maintenance Initiation Charges IBM SWMA ALF One Time charge and any other applicable IBM one time support charges.
The Vendor may make a Waiting Time charge for any delays incurred on site, or may not complete the delivery at the Vendor’s entire discretion if the delay is deemed to be unreasonable.
Where computer processes that do not require continuous oversight, such as searching for keywords, require exclusive use of one or more RTSI computers for three (3) or more hours, a Computer Time charge of $25 per hour per computer will be assessed.
Time charge The time charge is a complement addressed for those products in which the transfer cost in time is determined by the domestic and foreign rate differential.