Time Horizon definition
Examples of Time Horizon in a sentence
At the top of each Trading Hour, immediately after the RTUC run is completed, the CAISO performs an approximately five (5) hour Short-Term Unit Commitment (STUC) run using SCUC and the CAISO Forecast of CAISO Demand to commit Medium Start Units and Short Start Units with Start-Up Times greater than the Time Horizon covered by the RTUC.
The Time Horizon for the STUC optimization run will extend three hours beyond the Trading Hour for which the RTUC optimization was run, and will replicate the Bids used in that Trading Hour for these additional hours.
Each applicable Transmission Owner and applicable Generator Owner, without any intentional time delay, shall notify the control center holding switching authority for the associated applicable line when the applicable Transmission Owner and applicable Generator Owner has confirmed the existence of a vegetation condition that is likely to cause a Fault at any moment [Violation Risk Factor: Medium] [Time Horizon: Real- time].M4.
The STUC will only decommit a resource to the extent that resource’s physical characteristics allow it to be cycled in the same Time Horizon for which it was decommitted.
Each applicable Transmission Owner and applicable Generator Owner shall perform a Vegetation Inspection of 100% of its applicable transmission lines (measured in units of choice - circuit, pole line, line miles or kilometers, etc.) at least once per calendar year and with no more than 18 calendar months between inspections on the same ROW14 [Violation Risk Factor: Medium] [Time Horizon: Operations Planning].M6.
In the adverse liquidity stress scenario, Insurer A’s unconstrained liquidity stress testing model assumes that it can sell: Time Horizon% Able to Be SoldSale PriceTotal SaleSales / DayFirst 30 Days10%97$9.7 B$440 M31-90 Days20%94$18.8 B$430 M91-365 Days50%90$45.0 B$230 M Step 2: Add Market Capacity Constraint Assume the average daily trading volume in the secondary market for investment grade corporate bonds has been $13.0 Billion over the past year.
Following the HASP run of the RTUC, each of the next three runs of the RTUC successively drops one 15-minute interval from the front of the optimization Time Horizon.
Violation Risk Factor: High] [Time Horizon: Real-time operations] 1.1 The greater of either:• The amount of Contingency Reserve equal to the loss of the most severe single contingency;• The amount of Contingency Reserve equal to the sum of three percent of hourly integrated Load plus three percent of hourly integrated generation.
The CAISO Operator shall use its operator judgment consistent with Good Utility Practice to determine whether the commitment instructions to the ELS Resources for the second day in the 48-hour Time Horizon should be implemented.
For all ELS Resources, Bids submitted for the Trading Day two days ahead of the current day on which the ELC Process is executed will be used as the Bids used for the second Trading Day of the ELC Process Time Horizon.