Examples of Term Time in a sentence
Our academy recognises and adheres to Nottingham City Council Children and Families, Penalty notices for Truancy, Excluded Pupils, Persistent Lateness, Unauthorised Holidays in Term Time Local Code of Conduct (see Appendix One) and the latest DfE guidelines.
We will discuss this with the school before issuing the second warning letter.) Holidays in Term Time A Penalty Notice can be issued when a parent takes a child on holiday during term time without the school authorising the absence.
We will discuss this with the school before issuing the second warning letter.) Holidays in Term Time (Unauthorised leave of absence) A Penalty Notice can be issued when a parent takes a child on holiday during term time without the school authorising the absence.
The Term Time and Material shall not include any of the following costs or any other home or field office overhead costs, all of which are to be considered administrative costs covered by Contractor’s allowance for Overhead and Profit.
If parents or carers need to remove their child from the academy for any reason, they must complete a Term Time Absence Request form.