Tool Box definition
Examples of Tool Box in a sentence
Tool Box Meetings are regarded as an important part of site based communications.
No 1 Carried to Collection R Section No. 3 External Works (Provisional) Bill No. 6 Tool Box Total Brought Forward from Page No. R Amount Item No BILL NO.
Near misses and daily safety audits will be discussed during Tool Box Talks.
SAFETY PERSONNEL:• Will constant Job specific Tool Box Talk with Supervisor and Workmen.• Will check excavated earth kept away from top.• Will check if any underground pipeline is there or live electric cable there water should be sprayed to avoid dust hazard from excavation.• Necessary Safety signage, Cones to be used.• Vehicles reverse horn etc.
Two (2) - 20D" x36L" x 20H" Aluminum lockable Tool Box with stainless steel hardware mounted to left and right side of chassis.
Connecting Colorado also provides access to a Tool Box of job search assistance links that has been customized for each workforce region.
Awl, Base Mold Lifter, Xxxxxxxxx'x Hammer, Chalk Line, Corner Scribe, Under Scribe, Dividers, Files, Fox Tail Brush, Hack Saw, Hook Knife, Linoleum Knives, Miter Box, Nail Set, Notched Spreader, Pin Scribe, Scraper (broad knife), Screwdrivers (flat and xxxxxxxx), Sharpening Stone, Single Arm Roller (band), Snips (metal), Xxxxxxx Knife, Straight Edge (6'), Tape Measure (25') and Tool Box.
The Contractor shall provide a copy of the Weekly Tool Box Meeting and Monthly Supervisor's Safety Meeting to the Contracting Officer.
The following training will be undertaken to ensure that the PIRMP is well understood and that all staff (Site Superintendent) are familiar with the requirements of the plan and the key steps to manage a pollution incident: • Persons identified as Alkane Key Personnel will attend Tool Box meetings on the requirements of the PIRMP.
A Header Document toolkit is available in the Tool Box section of the Exchange Network Web site (, containing additional background about the Header Document, as well as Java and .NET implementation tools.