Examples of Total Housing Units in a sentence
For purposes of calculating the percentage of Workforce/Affordable Housing Units represent of Total Housing Units, fractional percentages equal to or in excess of half of one percent (0.5%) shall be rounded up to the nearest whole percentage.
For example only, if the Workforce/Affordable Housing Units represent nineteen and one-half of one percent (19.5%) of the Total Housing Units in the Project, the percentage or Total Housing Units represented by Workforce/Affordable Housing Units shall be rounded up to twenty percent (20%) for purposes of determining satisfaction of these Affordable Housing Requirements.
Workforce/Affordable Housing Units must be constructed before or concurrently with market-rate units (i.e., each Phase of the Project to be placed in service must include Workforce/Affordable Housing Units), and Workforce/Affordable Housing Units must at all times represent at least twenty percent (20%) of Total Housing Units in all completed Phases of the Project, or in the completed Project if applicable.
Figure 2-18Trends in Total Housing Units, 1990-2009 *Excludes the City of Annapolis Source: DemographicsNow OBSERVATION: There has been a 17.4% net gain in housing units across the region since 1990.
Workforce/Affordable Housing Units must be constructed before or concurrently with market-rate units (i.e., each Phase of the Project to be placed in service must include Workforce/Affordable Housing Units), and Workforce/Affordable Housing Units must represent at least twenty percent (20%) of Total Housing Units in all completed Phases of the Project, or in the completed Project if applicable.