Examples of Total unemployment in a sentence
DAWG POUND GUIDELINES Sitting in the Dawg Pound during athletic events is a privilege not to be taken for granted.
The Benefit Finance Model (BFM) requires users to input forecast values for three exogenous variables: (1) Total unemployment rate, (2) Wage growth rate, and (3) Labor force growth rate.
Total unemployment, the tax-price wedge and productivity have been treated as endogenous variables; public employment, the labour force the logs of the income tax rate, the payroll tax rate and the VAT have been used as instruments (as have the trend and the squared trend).
If it is subse-quently determined as the result of a redetermination or appeal that an indi- vidual is an exhaustee as of a different week than was previously determined, the individual’s rights to Extended Benefits shall be adjusted so as to ac- cord with such redetermination or de- cision.[53 FR 27937, July 25, 1988, as amended at 71FR 35514, June 21, 2006] § 615.6 Extended Benefits; weekly amount.(a) Total unemployment.
Total unemployment rates differ broadly from 4% of total labour force (Israel and Malta) to 21% (Bosnia and Herzegovina)18.