Examples of Train the Trainer in a sentence
Available in Train the Trainer or operator course formats for forklifts, aerial lifts and loaders.
This training must be delivered by a qualified person that has the knowledge, training and experience to perform the work at hand.IVES’ Train the Trainer programs can help by qualifying you or a person of your choosing to deliver training to all of your powered industrial equipment operators in-house and compliant with the law.
The plan calls for "Train the Trainer" using a three tier approach.
Train the Trainer model is adopted for imparting training for application.
Additionally, requires MDE to do both of the following: collaborate with GSRP-funded ISDs to implement a Train the Trainer professional development model on the observation tool; and report the results from the observation tool, including the demonstrated readiness of kindergarten pupils and the effectiveness of GSRP and other state early childhood programs.House reduces total appropriation by $4.5 million SAF to $28.0 million SAF and maintains $6.3 million federal.