Course Work Sample Clauses
Course Work. Credit may be earned by taking courses at universities, colleges, community colleges, trade schools, adult education, or through an accredited correspondence school. College level course work requires a grade of "C" or better. In credit/no credit classes, the employee must receive credit. Credit may also be earned for attendance at District workshops, special lecture series, education conference, leadership activities, or Community Services. A conference/workshop report may be required to determine credit granted. One (1) semester unit equals one (1) unit. Quarter units convert to semester units on the basis of three (3) quarter units for two (2) semester units. Continuing Education course work, conferences, workshops, seminars, and other such activities earn credit at the rate of one (1) unit per sixteen (16) hours of satisfactory completion. Activities are not eligible for credit if the District pays any required fees for the individual employee's participation or if the employee attends during his/her working hours. If the activity is scheduled during working hours, and the employee uses lunch, break, vacation or compensatory time, verification from the supervisor, in writing, that attendance is not during working hours must be submitted with the Application for Award.
Course Work. Teachers of designated classes requiring a special education credential or BCLAD authorization who have served the district in this capacity for four (4) or more consecutive years shall have the option of transferring to any regular classroom vacancy in the district for which they are properly credentialed if a qualified replacement can be found. Teachers who desire a transfer under this provision shall submit a Certificated Request to Transfer form, no later than December 1.
Course Work. 22.2.1 Credit may be earned by taking courses at accredited universities, colleges, community colleges, trade schools, adult education institutions, or online education institutions. Credit may also be earned for attendance at District workshops, seminars, special lecture series, education conferences or leadership activities. Activities are not eligible for credit if the District pays any required fees (not including handouts, cost of speakers or other related costs) for the employee’s participation if attendance occurs during assigned working hours, unless an employee uses vacation or compensatory time off in order to attend. The employee shall submit to Human Resources a written statement from their immediate supervisor that the employee was not attending during working hours. A conference/workshop attendance certificate may be required to determine amount of credit granted.
22.2.2 All course work requires a grade of “C” or better. One semester unit equals one (1) point. Quarter units convert to semester units on the basis of three (3) quarter units are equal to two (2) semester units. In credit/no credit classes, the employee must receive credit.
22.2.3 Continuing education course work, non-accredited education course work, conferences, workshops, seminars and other such activities can earn credit at the rate of one (1) point per sixteen (16) hours of completion.
22.2.4 The Professional Growth Program is reinstated effective July 1, 2012. A cumulative log of completed units shall be maintained in the official personnel file. Upon the completion of the course work, the employee may submit their certificate, grade report or transcript to Human Resources for logging in the file. Upon completion of each increment of twelve (12) units as submitted and Human Resources determines proper criteria has been met, the employee shall be placed on the Board docket for the next scheduled Board meeting. Should Human Resources have questions regarding criteria, it shall be reviewed by a minimum of two (2) CSEA appointees and a non-voting representative from Human Resources. Their decision shall be final.
Course Work. The Employer shall pay for all tuitions, books, and lab fees for courses that are required by the District.
Course Work. Official transcripts issued by the college or university shall be submitted to the LPDC Chairperson, upon completion, for verification or certificate or license renewal.
Course Work a. leave of absence, without pay, will be approved by the Board for all classroom time required
b. employee to seek unemployment insurance benefits while attending school
c. the Board will arrange for the continuation of all benefits, except disability benefits, while attending school (disability benefits recommence upon the employee’s return to work).
Course Work. The Board reserves the right of approval of all course work taken that is to be applied toward advancement on the salary schedule. It is understood that course work can be of the undergraduate or graduate level and shall be granted for any credited course work related to the teacher’s teaching assignment(s).
Course Work. Faculty requesting tuition reimbursement must include a written rationale indicating how the course/program choices are supportive of their responsibilities at the College. For faculty members who have completed courses related to their area(s) of responsibility and approved in advance by College President or Vice President for Instruction, the Board shall pay the tuition and fees for credits completed, books, and other required course materials. The maximum reimbursement to any faculty member in any calendar year shall be capped at the IRS nontaxable limit. An intent to register form shall be completed prior to enrollment in the course(s) and documentation of costs and completion will precede payment. A faculty member on a leave(s) of absence is ineligible for this benefit. In the event a faculty member receives reimbursement for coursework under this section and voluntarily leaves employment with the College within five years of receiving the reimbursement, the faculty member shall reimburse the College for those payments. The amount of reimbursement shall be 20% after four years, 40% after three years, 60% after two years, 80% after one year and 100% if less than one year. Under extraordinary circumstances, the faculty member may request a waiver of reimbursement to the College’s President.
Course Work. It is important for your own development that you become a responsible learner. This includes learning to manage your own time, as well as seeking information beyond what you are given in class. You will need to allocate at least 8 to 10 hours per week of self-directed, personal study and make a habit of doing this every week. We recommend you use a diary to plan and prioritise your learning. Poor time management can increase the pressure you experience when assessments are due. Falling behind on your assessments puts you at risk of not completing the programme. Being well organised and setting time aside for personal study will increase your chances of success! You should always read over a piece of work before you submit it and, check for spelling and grammatical mistakes. For each assignment or project, you will be given more specific guidelines. It is essential that you follow these guidelines, as they are there to help you. Please ask questions if you are unsure. Is student present? YES NO NO YES Has absence been for NO YES YES NO Was tutor able to contact YES YES NO Learning Support Manager & student decide best option for moving forward Was regional administrator able to contact the student NO NO NO 1st day non-notified absence 2nd consecutive day 3rd consecutive day Are absences putting student at risk of non-completion? Reach out to Emergency contact for wellbeing check Has student notified ahead of class non- attendance Is attendance at or above 80% NO Your success as an ākonga (trainees) depends on full and regular attendance of all classes. You should inform your xxxxxx (tutor) as soon as possible if you have problems with attendance and follow the Attendance Procedure shown above. In our experience, ākonga who do not attend all their classes have a very high risk of non-completion. Although we recognise that you may need to undertake part-time or over-time work, you are expected to attend all scheduled classes. As part of The Partnership Agreement above, you commit to attending all classes on time. Attendance at class is imperative; if you do not attend, you are unlikely to successfully complete coursework, or be able to sit and pass assessments. We’ll do everything we can to support your success, but you have to be here to enable us to help you to complete your qualification.