Examples of Transfer Water in a sentence
Thermal Resistance Heat Transfer CoefficientsInsulation Vapor BarriersSolar Heat Gain Solar ShadingThermally Light Facilities Thermally Heavy FacilitiesConduction Heat Loads Psychrometric ChartAir Heat Transfer Water Heat Transfer REF: Mehta and Thumann, Handbook of Energy Engineering, Chapter 7.
Landowner must complete and submit a Cawelo Water District Authorization to Transfer Water Form to transfer qualified stored water account credits.
Certificate Authorizing the Towns of Cary and Apex to Transfer Water from the Haw River Basin to the Neuse and Cape Fear River Basins.
In accordance with Sections 11.F.3 and 4 of the Yuba Water Purchase Agreement, so long as a transfer is carried out consistent with the transfer water accounting provisions of Exhibit 1 for Released Transfer Water during Balanced Conditions, the AGENCY will not object based on the use of the transfer water accounting provisions of Exhibit 1 to such a transfer as not protective of DWR and the AGENCY as legal users of water during the time the AGENCY remains a Participating Contractor.
Released Transfer Water may be fully or partially derived from Groundwater Substitution Component water.
That is, water accounted for as transfer water under this Exhibit will include Released Transfer Water that is deemed to be Delivered Transfer Water, as those terms are defined in this Exhibit.
Bolinas Community Land Trust (“BCLT”) Request to Place Second Water Meter at 31 Wharf Road and Transfer Water Use Limits to and between BCLT Properties at 20 Wharf Road and 31 Wharf Road.
Conserved Water TransferStaff has requested YCWA review the draft Agreement for Temporary Storage of Transfer Water for the 2016 Conserved Water Transfer.
The flows used for calculating Released Transfer Water and Baseline Flows will be mean-daily flows in cfs.
The calculation of preliminary Baseline Flows will be used to predict the amount and timing of Released Transfer Water that will be generated for the upcoming period.