Triple A definition
Examples of Triple A in a sentence
Ratings of Credit issued by these agencies typically range from "AAA" (read as "Triple A" denoting "Highest Safety") to "D" (denoting "Default"), with about 6 distinct ratings between the two extremes.
With respect to entity ratings, rating of any NBFC or Modaraba shall not be lower than AAA (Triple A) and rating of any bank or DFI shall not be lower than AA (Double A Category).
Looking at the financials and Balance Sheet strength of the Company among other things, CRISIL, ICRA and CARE have accorded stand-alone rating of “CRISIL AAA/Stable” (pronounced as “CRISIL Triple A with stable outlook”),“[ICRA] AAA” (pronounced as “ICRA triple A”) and “CARE AAA” (pronounced as “triple A”) respectively to IRFC.
Ratings of Credit issued by these agencies typically range from "AAA" (read as "Triple A" denoting "Highest Safety") to "D" (denoting "Default"), with about 6 distinct ratings between the two extremes.The highest credit rating (i.e. lowest credit risk) commands a low yield for the borrower.
The Bonds proposed to be issued under this Issue have been rated "AAA/Stable" by CRISIL, "CARE AAA (Triple A)" by CARE and [ICRA]AAA by ICRA.