Examples of Underlying Contracts in a sentence
On any given Index Business Day, disruptions can occur that prevent these Underlying Contracts from being traded.
The Equivalent Holdings and the Equivalent Target Holdings shall be determined for all Underlying Contracts, therefore some H’j,t and/or TH’j,t may have a value of 0.
The Equivalent Target Holdings is a set of target holdings {TH’1,t, …, TH’m,t} for the Underlying Contracts, which perfectly describes the returns of the Index on the days following the Disrupted Holdings Calculation Date and until the first subsequent Holdings Calculation Date.
MARKET DISRUPTION EVENTSThe Index is ultimately comprised of a set of futures on physical commodities (the Underlying Contracts).
On any other Index Business Day, given replication of the Index does not require trading of Underlying Contracts on such days, in the event that a price is not available for a particular Underlying Contract, that price will be appropriately substituted by the Index Calculation Agent in order for the calculations in respect of a particular Index Business Day to take place.