Unexplained absence definition
Examples of Unexplained absence in a sentence
Signs and symptoms of physical abuse could include:- Unexplained injuries or burns, bruises, finger marks- Fear of undressing or medical help- Improbable explanations for injuries- Refusal to discuss injuries- Untreated injuries- Withdrawal from physical contact- Self-destructive tendencies- Fear of returning home or parents being contacted- Unexplained absence from school- Aggression towards others NeglectNeglect is a form of maltreatment.
Core Student Unexplained absence records Any unexplained absences recorded by the school for AM or PM registration.
Unexplained absence from class Missing part or all of a class that is not explained Uncooperative or disrespectful to staff Ignoring staff requests or instructions.
You may not havea burning desire to explore everyone’s passwords, but it helps to approach password cracking with this thinking.
Unexplained absence may lead to a penalty for malpractice/breach of Examination and Assessment Rules.Absentees from Assessment TasksWhere a student is absent from an in-class assessment task and the Head teacher and/or Principal considers the student to have a valid reason (eg illness- medical certificate required or approved leave) then a mark may be awarded based on other appropriate evidence.