UTILITY PLAN Sample Clauses

UTILITY PLAN a. Prior to issuance by the City of any grading permit for the Property, Developer shall submit to the City Engineer and obtain the City Engineer’s approval of a final utility plan, which plan shall be consistent with Exhibit G of this Development Agreement, in compliance with the City Engineer’s Report and City Planner’s report, both of which are attached as Exhibit K, and in accordance with all Plans referred to in Section 1 herein. Water service connections to each lot and/or unit shall be located so as to avoid locating water services under any driveways. In addition, Developer shall be responsible for securing an agreement with the Delano, Water, Light and Power Commission regarding any costs of redesign and installation of City electrical services. Developer shall: illustrate sanitary sewer connections to all buildings on the utility plan; and locate all utility and service connections within the common lots or drainage and utility easements. b. All fire hydrants shall have uniform heads threaded to the specifications of the Delano Fire Department. c. The utility plan shall require single trench placement for small utilities, which include all utilities other than water, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer. d. Prior to issuance by the City of any occupancy permit for any structure on the Property, Developer shall televise all sanitary sewer mains that Developer is required to construct pursuant to this Development Agreement and shall submit for and obtain the City Engineer’s approval of the results of such televising. e. Prior to issuance by the City of any occupancy permit for any structure on the Property, Developer shall perform all necessary utility testing. This testing shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer. Utility testing includes but is not limited to mandrel air test, hydrostatic pressure test, conductivity test, bacteria test, and xxxxxxx. f. Future water service curb stop locations shall be located to avoid placement in the proposed driveways.
UTILITY PLAN. Design Professional shall update the plan to indicate all utility lines, ductbanks, tanks and equipment that are to be abandoned, removed, or rerouted.
UTILITY PLAN. C8-1 Civil Details
UTILITY PLAN. Coordination and preliminary design of the signal utility infrastructure. We will depict preliminary locations for power poles, conduits, pull boxes, equipment pads, and show any existing utilities in conflict that may need to be relocated.
UTILITY PLAN. Utility Plan" means the utility plan attached to this Lease as Exhibit P which addresses how various utilities including (1) electricity, (2) water, (3) reclaimed water, (4) steam, (5) natural gas, (6) sewer, (7) storm water, and (8) telecommunications and data services will be provided, improved, owned and operated for the Premises, as such plan may be amended, updated or revised from time to time. To the extent the terms and provisions of this Lease and the Utility Plan conflict with one another, the Utility Plan shall control.
UTILITY PLAN. SL SL SL SL SL SL SL FO FO E E Drawing scales indicated apply to 36" x 48" drawing sheets. Scale may not be accurate if drawing plots are less than this size. SL SL SL FO B Revisions SL SL SL 6"CI SL SL FO FO FO E No. Description Date SL SL FO SL FO SL FO XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX SL SL SL SL E E FO FO FO FO SL SL E SL SL XX XX XX XX XX 00"XX XX FO SL SL E SL SL A Drawn by Checked by W E E E E W SL SL SL Date 3/14/2017 8:56 AM W SL
UTILITY PLAN. Attached hereto as Exhibit E is the Utility Plan for the Residential Parcel. Developer will construct the public utilities in accordance with the provided Utility Plan. Developer may utilize a private sewer lift station located in the southwest corner of the City Park, provided that the lift station is owned and maintained by the HOA.
UTILITY PLAN. It is anticipated that no sanitary connection or electrical is needed for the composting toilet. It is also assumed no permanent irrigation will be provided. » Planting Plan. This Plan will locate and identify tree species, identify preliminary plant massing, and provide list of species, planting notes, and details. » Site Details. Details will include prefabricated composting restroom, walls, trail cross sections, signage and planting details. » Erosion Control Plan. The Erosion Control Plan will also be used for SWPPP submittal. ` » Restroom will be specified as a pre‐engineered product (Romtec or equal) and detailed plans, calculations will be provided to City by Contractor. The PlaceWorks team will prepare preliminary technical specifications in CSI format. The PlaceWorks team will prepare a preliminary cost estimate for proposed improvements. The cost estimate will be prepared using a unit price bid item format. SWPPP and NPDES Permit NV5’s Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD) will prepare a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) incorporating Best Management Practices (BMPs) into the project, as required by the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) for projects disturbing land greater than one acre. This plan is also intended to satisfy the City/County’s requirements for erosion control. We assume that the City will prepare the NOI for filing with the RWQCB. The SWPPP document will be provided to the selected contractor who will then provide a QSD for any modifications, and a QSP (Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP) during the construction of the project. City Meeting: 95% Submittal Following a review period by the City, PlaceWorks will meet with City Public Works staff to review comments on the 95% set and clarify and questions that may arise. Final Bid Set Following City review and approval of the 95% set, PlaceWorks will issue one final bid set, stamped and wet‐signed by the Landscape Architect and Engineer of record.
UTILITY PLAN a. Prior to issuance by the City of any grading permit for the Property, Developer shall submit to the City Engineer and obtain the City Engineer’s approval of a final utility plan, which plan shall be consistent with the Plans and the Staff Reports. Water service connections to each lot and/or unit shall be located so as to avoid locating water services under any driveways. In addition, Developer shall be responsible for securing an agreement with the Delano, Water, Light and Power Commission regarding any costs of redesign and installation of City electrical services. Developer shall: illustrate sanitary sewer connections to all buildings on the utility plan; and locate all utility and service connections within the common lots or drainage and utility easements. b. All fire hydrants shall have uniform heads threaded to the specifications of the Delano Fire Department. c. The utility plan shall require single trench placement for all utilities, including small utilities. d. Prior to issuance by the City of any occupancy permit for any structure on the Property, Developer shall televise all sanitary sewer mains that Developer is required to construct pursuant to this Development Agreement, and shall submit for and obtain the City Engineer’s approval of the results of such televising. e. Prior to issuance by the City of any occupancy permit for any structure on the Property, Developer shall perform all necessary utility testing. This testing shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer. Utility testing includes but is not limited to mandrel air test, hydrostatic pressure test, conductivity test, bacteria test, and xxxxxxx.
UTILITY PLAN. An electronic copy in a pdf file format of each sheet of the Utility Plan. A plan indicating the existing and proposed locations of all utilities near or that will service the lots. Documents evidencing consent from other utility providers stating that they will provide service to the subdivision.