Vertical Development definition
Examples of Vertical Development in a sentence
However, when and if there is a publicly financed or credited business subsidy for an Element of Vertical Development, then that specific Element will be subject to an independent legal determination as to application of the Living Wage Ordinance.
The parties have determined that as of the date of this Agreement there is no public assistance to the Vertical Development of the Development Property; therefore, the Living Wage Ordinance does not currently apply to development of the Development Property.
Assignee shall maintain commercial general liability insurance, builder’s risk insurance, and property insurance in commercially reasonable forms and amounts with respect to the Development Property and any Vertical Development on the Development Property.
If additional revenue is needed after Step 1 in order to meet the Services Special Tax Requirement, the Services Special Tax shall be levied Proportionately on each Parcel of Vertical Development Property, up to 100% of the Maximum Services Special Tax for each Parcel of Vertical Development Property for such Fiscal Year.
No Vertical Development construction had commenced as of 6/30/18.