Voluntary absence definition
Examples of Voluntary absence in a sentence
Voluntary absence reflects a conscious behaviour by the employee not to attend work because of reasons that are within his or her control.
Voluntary absence can manifest itself in the form of a one-time ―mental health‖ day or as a means to extend weekends or vacations with a convenient illness or emergency.Sometimes voluntary absences take the form of chronic abuse, and employees use weeks of protected (and unwarranted) Family Medical Leave (FML) time or make fraudulent disability claims.
Voluntary absence without leave for a period of two (2) work days or work shifts shall be considered proper cause for automatic termination of employment.
Voluntary absence days shall not count toward the maximum number of involuntary absent days.
Points will be deducted as follows: Absent without notifying professor prior to class by phone or email: 10 ptsTardy (including returning late from break): 5 ptsAbsence due to illness or emergency with prior notification: 0 pts Voluntary absence with prior notification: 5 pts Additionally, for 25 participation points, students will be required to attend/observe a community support group.
Voluntary absence rejects a aware choice by the employee not to attend work because of reasons that are within his or her control.
Points will be deducted as follows: Absent without notifying professor prior to class by phone or email: 10 pts Tardy (including returning late from break): 5 ptsAbsence due to illness or emergency with prior notification: 0 pts Voluntary absence with prior notification: 5 ptsCommunity Support Group Observation:Additionally, for 25 participation points, students will be required to attend/observe a community support group.
Points will be deducted as follows: Absent without notifying professor prior to class by phone or email: 10 pts Tardy (including returning late from break): 5 ptsAbsence due to illness or emergency with prior notification: 0 pts Voluntary absence with prior notification: 5 pts 12 Step Group Observation: Due 2/23/2012Additionally, for 10 participation points, students will be required to attend/observe a 12 Step support group.
Voluntary absence on the other hand denotes the type of absence that the individual is free to choose (Brown and Session 1996).