Examples of Voluntary Cleanup Program in a sentence
Information will be distributed for all sites that are being investigated and cleaned up in a particular county under the State Superfund Program, Environmental Restoration Program, Brownfield Cleanup Program, Voluntary Cleanup Program, and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Program.
Voluntary Cleanup Program, Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality, Apr.
The minimum investment amount is deemed met if a sponsor is a nonresponsible party in a voluntary cleanup on the property pursuant to Article 7, Chapter 56, of Title 44 of the SC Code, the Brownfields Voluntary Cleanup Program, where the cleanup costs are at least $1 million, and the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control has issued a certificate of completion of the cleanup.
If the amounts under the Brownfields Voluntary Cleanup Program equal at least one million dollars, the investment threshold requirement of this section is met.
Examples include procuring a Qualified Environmental Professional, submitting and obtaining approval of Quality Assurance Project Plan, enrollment of site in the State's Voluntary Cleanup Program, certifying cleanup is complete, coordination with the local health agency on health monitoring activities, etc.