Voucher Recipient definition

Voucher Recipient means an Eligible Person for whom an eHealth (Subsidies) Account has been established.
Voucher Recipient means any THIRD PARTY to which LICENSED PARTY has sold a VOUCHER.
Voucher Recipient means an individual who resides in Washington state, is at least 16 years of age, and has applied correctly through the vendor’s website and has been allocated a voucher to redeem against the cost of an E-bike and qualifying equipment and services through a qualifying retailer.

Examples of Voucher Recipient in a sentence

  • If you are a DHS Voucher Recipient, attach your voucher to this form.

  • Agency acknowledges and agrees that (a) Single Codes and Individualized Codes may not be used as intended if a Voucher Recipient shares the code with anyone other than a Voucher Recipient, (b) Uber has no way to prevent and bears no responsibility for such sharing or non-intended use, and (c) all of Agency’s obligations under this Product Addendum apply no matter who redeems an Uber Voucher under this Product Addendum.

  • For Voucher Recipient One (1) year minimum - 3rd offense.Occupancy" or repeated non- compliance in correcting violations.

  • When a VR agrees to use voucher(s) to settle the EHCP Fees for the provision of health care service(s) by the EHCP, you should obtain from the VR a completed and signed “Consent of Voucher Recipient to Use Vouchers” form ("consent form").

  • The required information must be entered when creating eHealth accounts and claiming vouchers, and must be provided in the ‘Consent of Voucher Recipient to Use Vouchers’ which can be downloaded from the Health Care Voucher Scheme website (www.hcv.gov.hk) and the eHealth System login link (https://apps.hcv.gov.hk).

  • Issuance of a purchase order for purchases $999 and below are not mandatory.

  • Agency acknowledges and agrees that before a proposed individual Voucher Recipient can utilize an Uber Voucher pursuant to this Product Addendum, such proposed Voucher Recipient must have an active Uber Account to activate such Uber Voucher.

  • Agency expressly acknowledges and agrees that any and all transportation services provided to Voucher Recipient are provided neither by Uber nor by Agency, but by independent third-party transportation and delivery providers.

  • In addition to creating Programs under this Product Addendum, Agency may choose to create an Uber Voucher for a specific Voucher Recipient by (i) requesting that Uber deliver such Uber Voucher to the Voucher Recipient via SMS message or by another agreed upon delivery method such as email (each an “Uber Delivered Voucher”), and (ii) providing to Uber such Voucher Recipient’s first name and last name, as well as phone number and/or email address.

  • We assume a population of diploid organisms with discrete, nonoverlapping generations.

More Definitions of Voucher Recipient

Voucher Recipient means an individual that receives one or more Uber Vouchers sent or requested by the Agency. Voucher Recipients are Agency Users.
Voucher Recipient means a youth who is eligible for and receiving a voucher through the Colorado fostering success voucher program.

Related to Voucher Recipient

  • Client means the Project lead of technical wing of the Purchaser for whose’ particular project the Goods / Services have been procured or any other person, duly appointed in writing, by the Client, for the time being or from time to time, to act as Client for the purposes of the Contract.

  • Certified service provider means an agent certified:

  • Customer means the State agency or other entity identified in a contract as the party to receive commodities or contractual services pursuant to a contract or that orders commodities or contractual services via purchase order or other contractual instrument from the Contractor under the Contract. The “Customer” may also be the “Buyer” as defined in the PUR 1001 if it meets the definition of both terms.

  • Personnel means persons hired by the Service Provider or by any Subcontractor as employees and assigned to the performance of the Services or any part there of;

  • Information Recipients has the meaning stated in Section 4.9(a).