Water loss definition

Water loss means a loss of water from the basin from which it is withdrawn as a result of interbasin diversion or con- sumptive use or both.
Water loss means the following:
Water loss means the difference between the volume of water entering the distribution system and authorized consump- tion.

Examples of Water loss in a sentence

  • Water loss and chemical usage will also be reduced.• Ensure the cover is fitted tightly, as per manufacturer’s instructions to maximize insulation.• Be sure to lock down all straps on the cover after each use.• Do not allow spa to sit uncovered in direct sunlight.

  • Water loss is calculated based on the difference between water produced and water sold.

  • Water loss and alternative water sources: The Panel found that Management complied with OP/BP 4.01 by undertaking the baseline studies to document village water sources along the tunnel alignment routes and ensuring that THDC committed to provide alternative water sources in the event that an existing source was lost.

  • Water loss shall be defined as the difference between the raw water volume entering the plant and the treated water output from the plant measured on a weekly basis.

  • Water loss due to improper workmanship will be paid for by the Contractor.

More Definitions of Water loss

Water loss means the difference between the volume of water entering the distribution system and authorized consumption.
Water loss means that portion of the metered water supply to premises connected to the system which does not enter the system as liquid waste.
Water loss means the difference between the annual volume of
Water loss loss of Treated Water in the Area of Activity caused by the Supply System, as a result of: (i) unauthorised consumption, (ii) inaccurate metering, (iii) leakage during transport and distribution, (iv) leakage and overflow of storage tanks, (v) leakage from the connection points to the customer metering point, as calculated under the IWA Methodology.
Water loss means the amount of water that is withheld from or not returned to the basin from which it is withdrawn as a result of a diversion or consumptive use or both.
Water loss means the amount of water that is withheld from or not returned to the basin from which it is withdrawn as a result of an interbasin transfer or con- sumptive use or both.
Water loss means the difference between the annual volume of water entering a water distribution system and the annual volume of metered and unmetered water taken by registered customers, the water purveyor, and others who are implicitly or explicitly authorized to do so pursuant to a permit issued by the department, and includes the annual volume lost through breaks, leaks, and overflows on mains, service reservoirs, and service connections, up to the point of customer metering, in addition to unauthorized consumption, metering inaccuracies, and systemic data handling errors.