Examples of Workplace fatality in a sentence
Examples include, but are not limited to: o Nuclear criticality event o Workplace fatality due to work-related conditions o Theft, loss or diversion of Special Nuclear Material, as defined in the 1995 S&S Glossary of terms.
Workplace fatality data consistently demonstrate that the occupation with the highest rate of workplace homicides is that of taxicab driver (SIC Code 4121).
Workplace fatality data are presented by industry and occupation and are cross-tabulated by selected demographic data and case characteristics.
Workplace fatality initial reports.https://osha.oregon.gov/pubs/reports/Pages/ fatality-initial-reports.aspx.
Workplace fatality and time-loss injury data was obtained in September 2006, from statistical summaries produced through NWISP.
Workplace fatality data in the United States are collected on an annual basis in the Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries by state statistical agencies.