xx Contact Person definition

xx Contact Person. Phone: Email: Contact Person: Xx Xxxx Xxxxxxxxx Phone: (00) 0000 0000 Fax: (00) 0000 0000 Email: xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxx.xxx.xxx.xx Fax: Name of Student: Date of Birth: Year Level: Home Address: Parent Emergency Phone Number/s: PLACEMENT DETAILS Industry/Occupation: Model of Work/Community Service Experience: Shadowing Date/s of Placement: No. of days:

Related to xx Contact Person

  • Contact Person means the Contractor's management level personnel who will work as liaison between the City and the Contractor and be available to respond to any problems that may arise in connection with Contractor's performance under the Contract.

  • Contact Persons means persons identified by the Parties as persons who are responsible for the execution of the Agreement and whose names are set out in clause 35 below and who can be substituted in writing from time to time;

  • Code of Ethics Contact Person means the Chief Compliance Officer or such person or persons as may be from time to time designated.

  • Direct contact means the contact of persons with high voltage live parts.

  • Designated Contact means, the designated contact for the Bank in the Jurisdiction, as set out in Annex I of Part A of these EB Services Terms and Conditions (as may be amended from time to time);

  • Indirect contact means the contact of persons with exposed conductive parts.

  • Technical Contact shall have the meaning assigned to it in Section 4.2.

  • Authorized Contact is a representative authorized by Customer to request service changes using procedure outlined herein.

  • Customer Contact means the individual(s), whether a contract manager, category consultant or otherwise, who are to act for the Customer as the day to day point of contact for communications from the Contractor to the Customer in relation to the Contract, being the individual(s) identified in Section 2 of the Contract Schedule or otherwise notified to the Contractor from time to time;

  • Primary Contact means the individual a Proponent (that has submitted a Proposal), designates to represent the Proponent during the competitive process associated with this RFP. There can be only one (1) Primary Contact.

  • Relationship Manager means the individual who is appointed by us from time to time and notified to you in writing as your relationship manager in relation to the relevant services provided to you under these Terms and/or provided by our Associate;

  • Disinfectant contact time or "T in CT calculations" means the time in minutes that it takes for water to move from the point of disinfectant application or the previous point of disinfectant residual measurement to a point before or at the point where residual disinfectant concentration (C) is measured. Where only one (1) C is measured, T is the time in minutes that it takes for water to move from the point of disinfectant application to a point before or at where C is measured. Where more than one (1) C is measured, T is:

  • Fax means the making of a facsimile copy of a document by the transmission of electronic signals;

  • Business Contact Information means the names, mailing addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers of a party’s personnel, officers and directors and, with respect to Client, such information regarding Client’s vendors and customers that Accenture may have access to in maintaining the parties’ business relationship.

  • Sexual contact means the deliberate touching of a person's intimate body parts (including lips, genitalia, groin, breast or buttocks, or clothing covering any of those areas), or using force to cause self-touching by another person of intimate body parts.

  • Contact Officer means the person identified as Contact Officer on the cover page of this RFT;

  • Contact hour means an hour of training received through direct instruction.

  • contact details means sufficient details including but not limited to a name, surname, telephone number – business or private, e-mail address, postal and residential addresses that will enable a Municipality or organ of state to contact a person for purposes of executing their functions in terms of the Act or this By-law and in so far as it relates to an organ of state, the details of a contact person within the employ of the organ of state;

  • Contact Name P osition : : A ddress : : Zip Code & City : : E -mail address : : T elephone # : : Fax#: Country : :

  • Material Contact means personal contact or the supervision of the efforts of those who have direct personal contact with Customers, Customer Prospects, or Vendors in an effort to initiate or further a business relationship between the Company and such Customers, Customer Prospects, or Vendors.

  • Telephone Banking means banking services available from time to time by telephone;

  • Contact Hour Funds means the funds paid or payable by the Department under this Contract for the Scheduled Hours of supervised training and assessment reported for a Skills First Student. Contract means this VET Funding Contract and includes all schedules, annexures, attachments, plans and specifications and exhibits to it. Contract Notification means a document issued by the Department via the SVTS that either provides specific information or advice about aspects of this Contract or formally notifies the Training Provider of a variation to this Contract. Control means, with regard to an entity:

  • Administrative Director refers to that individual or authorized designee, empowered by the State to make final and binding executive decisions on behalf of the State.

  • Attention: Telephone Facsimile:

  • Telephone Banking Service or “TBS” means any banking service operated over the telephone (by whatever name it may be known as) offered by the Bank, in connection with the Service Instructions and includes but is not limited to such services respectively known as Self Service Phone Banking and CitiPhone Banking; and