Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxx definition

Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxx. Vocals Xxxxx Xxxxx: Guitar - Vocals X. Xxxxxx: Guitar Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx: Xxxx Xxxxxxxx Kourou: Drums
Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxx. Minister of Conservation and Water Stewardship June 22, 2015 Date per: “Xxxxx Xxxxxx” Minister of Infrastructure and Transportation June 22, 2015 Date ATTACHMENT “A” To Schedule E (LISTING OF RIVER REACHES AND REFERENCES TO TABLES OF WATER QUALITY OBJECTIVES) RIVER REACH (predetermined length) TABLE LISTING WATER QUALITY OBJECTIVES (for River Reach) Beaver River Beaver Crossing to the 1 Border North Saskatchewan River Lea Park to Lloydminster 2 Ferry Red Deer River A/S Bindloss to the Confluence 3 with the South Saskatchewan River South Saskatchewan River Highway #41 to Confluence 4 with Red Deer River Battle River Blackfoot Creek to Unwin 5 Xxxxxxxxx River Islands Falls to 6 Pukatawagan Lake Saskatchewan River Outlet of Cumberland Lake 7 to Mouth of Carrot River Carrot River Turnberry to Mouth of 8 Carrot River Red Deer River S/M Etomami River to Red Deer 9 Lake Assiniboine River Whitesand River to Outlet 10 of Shellmouth Reservoir Qu’Appelle River Kaposvar Creek to 11 Assiniboine River Cold River Outlet of Cold Lake 12 Table 1 WATER QUALITY OBJECTIVES Beaver River Reach: Beaver Crossing to the Border Chemical, Physical or Biological Variable Unit Acceptable Limit or Limits Nutrients Open Closed Total Phosphorus mg/L 0.171 0.127 Total Dissolved Phosphorus mg/L 0.043 0.042 0.060 0.060 Total Nitrogen mg/L 1.140 1.862 Nitrate as N mg/L 3 Ammonia Un-ionized mg/L 0.019a Major Ions Total Dissolved Solids mg/L 500 Sulphate Dissolved mg/L 250 Sodium Dissolved mg/L 200 Fluoride Dissolved mg/L 0.19 Chloride Dissolved mg/L 100 Physicals and Other pH Lab pH units 6.5-9.0 pH Field pH units 6.5-9.0 Oxygen Dissolved Temperature > 5°C (Open Season) mg/L 5 Temperature < 5°C (Closed Season) mg/L Under Review Sodium Adsorption Ratio rel units 3 Total Suspended Solids mg/L 3.0-48.8 Reactive Chlorine Species mg/L 0.0005 Cyanide (free) mg/L 0.005 E. Coli No./100 mL 200 Coliforms Fecal No./100 mL 100 Metals Arsenic Total µg/L 5 Arsenic Dissolved µg/L No Objective Barium Total µg/L 1000 Beryllium Total µg/L 100 Boron Total µg/L 500 Cadmium Total µg/L Calculatedb Chromium Total µg/L 50 Cobalt Total µg/L 50 Copper Total µg/L Calculatedb Iron Dissolved µg/L 300 Lead Total µg/L Calculatedb Lithium Total µg/L 2500 Manganese Dissolved µg/L Under Review Mercury Total µg/L 0.026 Molybdenum Total µg/L 10 Nickel Dissolved µg/L Calculatedb Selenium Total µg/L 1 Silver Total µg/L 0.1 Uranium Total µg/L 10 Vanadium Total µg/L 100 Zinc Total µg/L 30 Pesticides Acid Herbicides 2,4-D µg/L 4 Bro...
Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxx. “Xxxx Xxxxx” President, CUPE Local 3766 Chairperson, Regina Board of Education “Xxxx Xxxxxx” “Xxxxx XxxxxxCUPE Representative Deputy Director/Chief Financial Officer LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING #1 – LABOUR MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE The Board and the Union confirm the continuation of a Labour/Management Committee consisting of up to four (4) members representing CUPE Local 3766 (one of whom shall be the President and one of whom shall be the Vice-President) and up to three (3) members representing the Board. Each group will select one (1) of its members to serve as co-chairperson of the committee. The intended scope of this committee is to facilitate discussion of working conditions and other matters of mutual concern, with the exception of matters dealt with through the formal contract negotiation process. It is further confirmed that when changes to the role descriptions are contemplated, or new role descriptions drafted, for positions held by members of the Union, the Union shall have input and discussion regarding same through the Labour/Management Committee. It is expected that the Labour/Management Committee will meet once per month throughout each school year, unless neither group has any matters to bring forward. Wherever possible, meetings will be scheduled when no substitutes are required. Minutes will be kept, and a copy provided to each group within one week of each meeting. This Letter of Understanding signed on the “16th” day of “December” , 2020. Signed on behalf of the Canadian Union Signed on behalf of the Board of Education of Public Employees Local No. 3766 of the Regina School Division No. 4 of Saskatchewan

Examples of Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxx in a sentence

  • Otherwise, written notice of appeal and a $50 filing fee is to be addressed to the: Planning Appeals Committee Saskatchewan Municipal Board 0000 Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxxxxx X0X 0X0 More Information Sample servicing agreements are on line at

  • If You have a legal dispute with Oracle or if You wish to provide a notice under the Indemnification Section of this Agreement, or if You become subject to insolvency or other similar legal proceedings, You will promptly send written notice to: Oracle Systems Pakistan (Private) Limited at 0xx Xxxxx, Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxx 0, Xxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx, X-0/0, Xxxxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxxx, Attention: General Counsel, Legal Department.

  • MUDr. Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxx, DrSc. MBA, FCMA, ředitelem, xxxxx jednací: KH 49/2020, interní nákladové středisko: 24046 (xxxx xxx „Zdravotnické zařízení“) a Prof.

  • Document Name: Transitional Housing Plus Policy Version V2.0 Approved by: Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxx Issue Date: March 2024 Review Date: March 2027 For payment options and details regarding accounts statements, refer to the Rent Policy.

  • Valley, acting through its Board of Supervisors, enacted its Ordinance No. 201 authorizing the acceptance of the assignment by Sadsbury of 0000 Xxxx-Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxxxxx (Tax Parcel No. 37-2-77) to Valley as a sanitary sewage customer.

More Definitions of Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxx

Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxx. “Xxxx Xxxxx” President, CUPE Local 3766 Chairperson, Regina Board of Education “Xxxx Xxxxxx” “Xxxxx XxxxxxCUPE Representative Deputy Director/Chief Financial Officer LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING #2 – JOB SECURITY The Board undertakes and agrees that, from September 1, 2016 to August 31, 2021:
Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxx. “Xxxx Xxxxx” President, CUPE Local 3766 Chairperson, Regina Board of Education “Xxxx Xxxxxx” “Xxxxx XxxxxxCUPE Representative Deputy Director/Chief Financial Officer LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING #3 – RETIREE EXTENDED HEALTH BENEFITS The Board agrees to continue a Retiree Extended Health Benefit with the following conditions:
Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxx. “Xxxx Xxxxx” President, CUPE Local 3766 Chairperson, Regina Board of Education “Xxxx Xxxxxx” “Xxxxx XxxxxxCUPE Representative Deputy Director/Chief Financial Officer LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING #4 – REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION The duty to accommodate is a broad equality concept that applies to all grounds of discrimination that are covered under federal, provincial and territorial human rights legislation and the equality rights provisions of The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Accommodation of employees within the workplace is a shared responsibility between the Employer, the Union and the employee. The Employer agrees to make every reasonable effort, short of undue hardship, to provide reasonable accommodations, including suitable modified or alternate employment, to employees who are temporarily or permanently unable to return to their regular duties as a consequence of a disability. Employees have a responsibility to cooperate and provide medical information as required regarding fitness to return to work; abilities and restrictions, the prognosis for recovery and/or the duration of the restrictions. The accommodation process is based on medical documentation. An employee who, as the result of a disability, is unable to perform regular duties, may be given the preference of alternate work. This may include modification to the employee’s existing job, or an alternate placement. Alternate positions within the bargaining unit are to be considered before exploring accommodations outside of the bargaining unit. The Employer and the Union may mutually agree to waive certain provisions in this Agreement to facilitate a reasonable accommodation. An employee requiring temporary modified requirements, and not of a substantive or complex nature, will not normally require a meeting of the parties. In these situations, the employee and supervisor are encouraged to facilitate the return to work. If concerns are not addressed successfully between the employee and supervisor, the employee may request a return to work meeting with Union representation present. The scheduling of the meeting shall not delay the return to work. If the accommodation is long-term, complex or accommodation may be necessary outside the employee’s normal place of work, a return to work meeting will be held between the parties to finalize the accommodations. The employee/Union representative shall have the opportunity to bring any concerns related to the accommodation to the attention of th...
Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxx. “Xxxx Xxxxx” President, CUPE Local 3766 Chairperson, Regina Board of Education “Xxxx Xxxxxx” “Xxxxx XxxxxxCUPE Representative Deputy Director/Chief Financial Officer LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING #5 – TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES Temporary employees in receipt of benefits in accordance with Article 22.08 on the date of ratification (including those on Maternity, Parental and Adoption Leave as per Article 9.04 during the 2019-2020 school year) who bid on a position in the period June 1 to August 31, 2020, shall be offered a position within the scope of the bargaining unit effective August 27, 2020. If the employee accepts the position, the employee will be awarded permanent status without serving probation and the position they occupy will be deemed permanent. Temporary employees who qualify for benefits by October 1, 2020, in accordance with Article 22.08 (including those on Maternity, Paternal and Adoption Leave as per Article
Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxx. “Xxxx Xxxxx” President, CUPE Local 3766 Chairperson, Regina Board of Education “Xxxx Xxxxxx” “Xxxxx XxxxxxCUPE Representative Deputy Director/Chief Financial Officer Administrative Procedure 110 HUMAN RIGHTS EQUITY
Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxx xxans Waltxx xxx any Permitted Transferee thereof to whom Shares are transferred in accordance with Section 2.2, and the term "Waltxx Xxxckholder" shall mean any such Person.
Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxx. Lessee accepts the space in as-is condition; except