CANCELLATION OR SUSPENSION. 9.2. The CLINICAL TRIAL may be cancelled or suspended by one of the PARTIES in any of the situations provided for in article 27 of RD 1090/2015, and also in the following cases: 9.2.1. Due to breach of the essential obligations undertaken by one of the PARTIES. 9.2.2. Due to breach or defective performance of the remaining obligations undertaken by another of the PARTIES, as long as such breach is not rectified within fifteen (15) days from when the other Party informs it of the breach in writing. 9.2.3. By mutual agreement between the PARTIES, stated in writing.
CANCELLATION OR SUSPENSION. 9.3. The TRIAL may be cancelled or suspended by any of the Parties under any of the circumstances detailed in Article 27 of Royal Decree 1090/2015 and in any of the following cases: 9.3.1. Failure to comply with the basic obligations assumed by any of the Parties. 9.3.2. Failure to comply with or defective performance of the remaining obligations by another Party if such failure is not corrected within fifteen (15) days after receiving written notice from the other Party to comply therewith. 9.3.3. By mutual written agreement among the Parties. TERMINATION OF THE CONTRACT 9.4. The termination or suspension of the execution of the TRIAL will allow the termination of the Agreement by the Party not in breach of its contractual obligations. The PARTIES shall guarantee the safety of the subject at the end of the TRIAL, as well as the continuity of the treatment, on which account they will continue to provide the trial treatment to subjects in compliance with the provisions of Royal Decree 1015/2009, of 19 June 2009, regulating the availability of medications in special situations. If there is a request by the CEIm for continuation of treatment, the PARTIES shall agree on the supply taking into account the feasibility of production and the efficacy and safety data on the trial drug / treatment, TEN.- RESULTS AND PUBLICATIONS 10.1. All data, TRIAL results, and all work and industrial and intellectual property rights deriving from the TRIAL shall be the property of the SPONSOR. For these purposes, the Parties shall be subject to the provisions of the relevant laws. This circumstance shall not prevent the PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR(s) or the FIIS-FJD from using the results in their professional activities. The parties shall safeguard the industrial and/or intellectual property rights of the SPONSOR observing the provisions of the PROTOCOL. 10.2. As set forth in Royal Decree 1090/2015, the SPONSOR undertakes to publish the results obtained once the study is completed, whether they are positive or negative. These results will be published in open-access scientific media. 10.3. Should the final results of the STUDY not be submitted for publication by the SPONSOR, the PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR(s) may, for professional purposes, release said data, discoveries, or inventions to scientific journals and publications, mentioning at least the SPONSOR, in accordance with the following criteria: Pre-marketing trials: in the first year after authorization and sale in any country; Post...