TERMINATION OF THE CONTRACT. 9.3. The discontinuation or suspension of performance of the CLINICAL TRIALwill allow termination of the Contract by the Party who is not in breach of their contractual obligations. 9.4. The Parties shall ensure the subject’s safety at the end of the trial, as well as the continuity of the treatment, and therefore shall continue to provide the trial’s treatment to all subjects in compliance with Royal Decree 1015/2009 of 19 June regulating the availability of medicinal products in special situations. If there is a requirement made by the CEIm for treatment’s continuation, the Parties shall agree on the supply taking into account the feasibility of production and the efficacy and safety of the drug under investigation/treatment TEN. RESULTS AND PUBLICATIONS 10.1. All of the data, the results of the CLINICAL TRIAL and all of the work and industrial and intellectual property rights arising from it, belong to the SPONSOR, with the PARTIES being subject to the provisions of the applicable legislation. This circumstance will not prevent the PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR and the FOUNDATION from using the results in their non-commercial professional research and teaching activities, safeguarding the SPONSOR’s industrial and intellectual property rights and respecting the provisions of the PROTOCOL. 10.2. In accordance with the provisions of RD 1090/2015, the SPONSOR undertakes to publish the results obtained, whether positive or negative, once the CLINICAL TRIAL have ended. This publication will take place in publicly accessible scientific media, preferably in scientific journals. 10.3. If the final results of the CLINICAL TRIAL are not submitted for publication by the SPONSOR, the PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR may, for professional purposes and in scientific journals and publications, make such data, discoveries or inventions known, with, at least, a mention of the SPONSOR, in accordance with the following criteria: CLINICAL TRIAL with products not on the market: in the first year after their authorisation and marketing in any country; CLINICAL TRIAL performed after marketing: in the year following the end of the CLINICAL TRIAL unless it compromises publication in a medical journal subject to peer review or contravenes national legislation. The SPONSOR must receive a copy of the text proposed for publication and/or dissemination for review, in accordance with the provisions of the PROTOCOL and, in the event that no indications are made in that respect, at least forty-five (45)...
TERMINATION OF THE CONTRACT. 9.3. The discontinuation or suspension of performance of the CLINICAL TRIAL will allow termination of the Contract by the Party who is not in breach of their contractual obligations. 9.4. At the end of the CLINICAL TRIAL , the PARTIES warrant continuity of the processing and compliance with the current regulations in the field. Furthermore, the SPONSOR will provide the investigational medical products which are not authorised in Spain for that indication or term of use, or that are not habitually used at the hospital for such an indication. TEN. RESULTS AND PUBLICATIONS 10.1. All of the data, the results of the CLINICAL TRIAL and all of the work and industrial and intellectual property rights arising from it, belong to the SPONSOR, with the PARTIES being subject to the provisions of the applicable legislation. This circumstance will not prevent the PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR and the FOUNDATION from using the results in their non-commercial professional research and teaching activities, safeguarding the SPONSOR’s industrial and intellectual property rights and respecting the provisions of the PROTOCOL. 10.2. In accordance with the provisions of RD 1090/2015, the SPONSOR undertakes to publish the results obtained, whether positive or negative, once the CLINICAL TRIAL have ended. This publication will take place in publicly accessible scientific media, preferably in scientific journals. 10.3. If the final results of the CLINICAL TRIAL are not submitted for publication by the SPONSOR, the PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR may, for professional purposes and in scientific journals and publications, make such data, discoveries or inventions known, with, at least, a mention of the SPONSOR, in accordance with the following criteria: CLINICAL TRIAL with products not on the market: in the first year after their authorisation and marketing in any country; CLINICAL TRIAL performed after marketing: in the year following the end of the CLINICAL TRIAL unless it compromises publication in a medical journal subject to peer review or contravenes national legislation. The SPONSOR must receive a copy of the text proposed for publication and/or dissemination for review, in accordance with the provisions of the PROTOCOL and, in the event that no indications are made in that respect, at least forty-five (45) days before the despatch date to the scientific journal and, at least, twenty (20) days beforehand in the event that it is a summary. At any event, the PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR may only use t...
TERMINATION OF THE CONTRACT. The grounds for termination of the Contract are: • That ICONTAINERS does not have the necessary means to carry out the removal or cannot comply with the agreed dates, for reasons not attributable to ICONTAINERS, without the need for express justification in each case. • Failure to comply with the agreed payments. ICONTAINERS may also terminate the Contract when there are hidden circumstances unknown at the signing of the Contract that justify termination considering an acceptable interest of ICONTAINERS, for example in cases of force majeure, strikes and natural catastrophes. If ICONTAINERS decides to exercise its right of termination, the Customer shall indemnify ICONTAINERS for any damages caused to ICONTAINERS in connection with the order and the termination. This shall include, without prejudice to other amounts to be considered, compensation for any expenses incurred or other expenses that may accrue according to the cause that gave rise to the termination. In the event of termination, ICONTAINERS shall notify the Customer in writing.
TERMINATION OF THE CONTRACT. Either party will have the right to terminate the contract by giving at least days' notice to the other party. (By default of agreement, the period of notice shall be 15 days, as provided by custom) In the case of dismissal, the seafarer is entitled to receive an advice notice of 15 days from the shipowner, in order to terminate the employment, computed from the delivery of the written notice to the seafarer until the date of termination of the contract of employment. Reasons for terminating a contract, depending on the contract type: (Mark the appropriate type of contract)
TERMINATION OF THE CONTRACT. The resolution render void the contract by the existence of a ground occurring after its conclusion. The Grantor may terminate this contract with the Concessionaire Corporation, in the following cases: If the Concessionaire Corporation incurs in any of the grounds of termination foreseen in the General Regulation; Breach of the obligations assumed in the Technical Proposal; If the Concessionaire Corporation fails to comply with any of the Essential Conditions established in subparagraph a), b) of Clause 2.2 and in opinion of OSIPTEL, said breach considers the termination of this contract; or before the breach of the Essential Conditions established in subparagraphs e), f), g) and h) of Clause 2.2. of this contract; If the Concessionaire Corporation fails to comply with the provisions of Clauses 8.2, and 8.17 of this contract; within the framework of the provisions set in the General Regulation; If the Concessionaire Corporation does not timely renew the Performance Bond of the contract, according to Xxxxxx 12 of this contract; If the Concessionaire Corporation has been declared in liquidation; If it is proven that any of the declarations contained in Clause 3.1 has been false or inaccurate, from the time they were expressed. If the Concessionaire Corporation assigns, in whole or in part, the rights of interest and obligations assumed by this contract, without observing the provisions of Clause 17 thereof; If the Concessionaire Corporation does not comply to submit the Technical Project to the Grantor, in the term established in Clause 8.6. of this contract, or if does not comply to submit the correction of each one of the observations formulated by the Grantor, within the term established in Clause 8.6 of the contract; If the Concessionaire Corporation does not comply with the use goals of the spectrum, that appears as Annex No. 2 of this contract; If after subscribing the contract it is proved the falsehood of the declaration detailed in subparagraph j) of Section 4.1 of the Forth Clause of the contract; Upon decision of the Grantor: due to reasons of public interest duly supported, the Grantor may terminate the concession through prior written notification to the Concessionaire Corporation, with an anticipation not less than six (6) months of the term foreseen for the termination; For cancellation of the registration of the whole granted services, at any time of the concession term. For breach of the obligations established in this contract under sanctio...


  • Garantía limitada El Vendedor garantiza por el período de un año contado desde la fecha de entrega por el Vendedor (o, para el caso de los sellos de gas Typo 28, desde los 12 meses contados desde la instalación o 24 meses contados desde la entrega, lo que ocurra primero) que sus productos se encuentran libres de defectos en los materiales utilizados o en su fabricación. El Vendedor, a su exclusiva opción, durante el plazo de garantía reparará o reemplazará libre de costo alguno cualquier producto que el Vendedor determinara que es defectuoso. A tal fin, el producto deberá ser devuelto a la dirección que indique el Vendedor, siendo los costos de transporte a cargo del Vendedor. No se aceptarán devoluciones sin el previo consentimiento por escrito del Vendedor. La anterior es la única garantía del Vendedor y el único remedio disponible para el Comprador y reemplaza cualquier otra GARANTIA O REPRESENTACION, EXPRESA O IMPLICITA, LAS QUE QUEDAN POR LA PRESENTE EXCLUIDAS, INCLUYENDO EN TAL EXCLUSION A LAS GARANTIAS DE UTILIZACION PARA UN FIN DETERMINADO. SIN PERJUICIO DE LO ANTERIOR, EN NINGUN CASO SERA RESPONSABLE EL VENDEDOR POR LUCRO CESANTE NI POR DAÑOS INDIRECTOS, REMOTOS O PUNITIVOS NI POR NINGUN OTRO TIPO DE DAÑOS, NI TAMPOCO SERA RESPONSABLE POR DEFECTOS DE DISEÑO O INGENIERIA, SEA PROPIA O DE TERCEROS, NI POR NINGUNA SUMA QUE SUPERE EL PRECIO NETO DE VENTA DEL VENDEDOR PARA EL PRODUCTO EN CUESTION, SEA QUE DICHAS SUMAS EN EXCESO SE RECLAMEN POR INCUMPLIMIENTO DE CONTRATO, EN CONCEPTO DE GARANTIA, INDEMNIZACION POR NEGLIGENCIA O POR RESPONSABILIDAD OBJETIVA O POR CUALQUIER OTRA CAUSA.