Training. 10.1 Upon request of and at no cost for SESÉ GROUP, the Supplier shall provide training to the employees of SESÉ GROUP, where the correct use and mainte- xxxxx of the Supplies (mainly machinery or installations) indicated by SESÉ GROUP shall be ex- plained. This training will be carried out, at therequest of SESÉ GROUP, to the following groups andwith the following content:
a. Supplieion workers: specific training on the oper-ational use of Supplies.
b. Maintenance workers: specific training on mainte-xxxxx tasks (mechanical, electrical, electronic, pneumatic, hydraulic, etc.) that must be performed to ensure the correct and longlasting op-eration of the Supplies.
c. Cleaning workers: specific training on cleaning protocols to be applied to the Supplies, explaining in detail the process to be followed, as well as thetype of chemical Supplies that must to be used.
Training. 10.1 Upon request of and at no cost for SESÉ, the SuppLier shaLL provide training to the empLoyees of SESÉ, where the correct use and maintenance of the SuppLies (mainLy machinery or instaLLations) indicated by SESÉ shaLL be expLained. This training wiLL be carried out, at the request of SESÉ, to the foLLowing groups and with the foLLowing content:
a. Production workers: specific training on the operationaL use of SuppLies.
b. Maintenance workers: specific training on maintenance tasks (mechanicaL, eLectricaL, eLectronic, pneumatic, hydrauLic, etc.) that must be per-formed to ensure the correct and Long-Lasting operation of the SuppLies.
c. CLeaning workers: specific training on cLeaning protocoLs to be appLied to the SuppLies, expLaining in detaiL the process to be foLLowed, as weLL as the type of chemicaL SuppLies to be used.
Training. A Yes / No Description of training programs, drills, exercises and/or simulations. B Yes / No Outline training schedules, with at least one drill to be completed per year.