Xx. Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, 0 Xxxxxx-00000 NIF: G 85874949

En Madrid, a __ de ___ de 2022
De una parte, D. , con N.I.F. nº actuando en nombre y representación de con domicilio en (en adelante “CRO”), que actúa en nombre y representación del promotor del estudio, (en adelante PROMOTOR), con domicilio social en , conforme a los poderes expedidos en , con fecha , ante el notario Dña/D. _______________. No eximiendo de la responsabilidad que le compete al promotor según RD 1090/2015.
De una parte, D. Xxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx de la Xxxxx, con N.I.F.: 395.637-Z, actuando en nombre y representación de la FUNDACIÓN INSTITUTO DE INVESTIGACION SANITARIA DE LA FUNDACIÓN XXXXXXX XXXX (en adelante FIIS-FJD), con domicilio en Xxxx. xx xxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, 0, 00000 Xxxxxx y con CIF: X-00000000, en virtud de las facultades contenidas en la escritura de Poder otorgado por el Patronato de la mencionada Fundación ante el Notario de Madrid X. Xxxx-Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, de fecha 21 de julio de 2015, con nº de protocolo 2172.
La FIIS-FJD asumirá toda la actividad de investigación actual del Hospital Universitario Fundación Xxxxxxx Xxxx (HOSPITAL), siendo la entidad a través de la cual se canalizará desde ese punto la actividad y gestión de la investigación.
Y de otra parte Dr. , con N.I.F. nº , actuando en su propio nombre y derecho (en adelante, INVESTIGADOR PRINCIPAL), con domicilio, a efectos de notificaciones, en el HOSPITAL situado en Xxxx. xx xxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, 0, 00000 Xxxxxx.
Reconociéndose las Partes la capacidad mutua necesaria para obligarse por el presente Contrato (en adelante, las Partes).
Que el PROMOTOR está interesado en la realización del ENSAYO CLÍNICO descrito en la cláusula primera del contrato. Basándose en lo anteriormente expuesto, deciden formalizar el presente Contrato, de acuerdo con las siguientes
3.1. Legislación sobre ensayos clínicos:
5.1. El importe de este ENSAYO se ha presupuestado inicialmente para el FIIS-FJD, en EUROS IVA no incluido ( €) (en adelante, Total Presupuestado por Paciente). Conforme a lo establecido en la Memoria Económica del ENSAYO (Anexo I: Memoria Económica) en la que se especifican todos los aspectos económicos del mismo. Dicha cantidad no incluye en ningún caso una obligación o inducción al HOSPITAL, y/o INVESTIGADOR PRINCIPAL para recomendar, prescribir, comprar, usar o concertar el uso de ningún producto del PROMOTOR.
Adicionalmente, a la firma del presente contrato el PROMOTOR abonará la cantidad de 3.000 EUROS + IVA (TRES MIL EUROS más IVA), en pago único, no reembolsable, en concepto de gastos de gestión administrativa y contractual; y 350€ + IVA (TRESCIENTOS CINCUENTA EUROS más IVA) en concepto de tasas de archivo, para custodiar la documentación durante los 25 años que establece la legislación (Art 58 No 536/2014 del parlamento europeo y del consejo de 16 xx xxxxx de 2014).
5.2. El importe que deba abonar el PROMOTOR/CRO durante la ejecución del ENSAYO será determinado por aplicación del Anexo I y deberá satisfacerse a la FIIS-FJD en los pagos que se detallan a continuación: 5.2.1. El Presupuesto del ENSAYO se abonará, al menos, semestralmente conforme a lo que se detalla en el cuadro de importes por visita y paciente reclutado incluido en la memoria económica del ENSAYO, hasta el pago íntegro del importe que constituye tal Presupuesto. A los citados efectos, el PROMOTOR/CRO y el/los INVESTIGADOR/ES PRINCIPAL/ES mantendrán informado a la FIIS-FJD semestralmente.
5.2.2. Si estuviera previsto, por parte del Promotor, costear dietas /desplazamientos /estancias a los pacientes, se deberá indicar el importe máximo a percibir por el paciente en el contrato. Si la tramitación de este gasto lo realizara la FIIS-FJD, se incrementará en las facturas un 30% por costes de gestión.
5.2.3. Estos pagos tienen la consideración de abonos a cuenta, dependientes de la liquidación del importe definitivo del ENSAYO.
Las facturas serán emitidas a nombre de:
Las facturas serán enviadas a:
Nuestros datos fiscales: FUNDACIÓN INSTITUTO DE INVESTIGACION SANITARIA DE LA FUNDACION XXXXXXX XXXX BANCO SANTANDER S.A. Xxx Xxxxxxxx, 00 00000 – Xxxxxx (Xxxxxx) Nº de Cuenta: 0075.5977.81.0605344752 IBAN code: ES91 SWIFT code: XXXXXXXX
equipo constará de los siguientes componentes:
El Equipo será siempre propiedad del PROMOTOR o de un tercero y llevará la identificación correspondiente en dicho sentido. El Equipo sólo deberá utilizarse para realizar el ENSAYO, y al finalizar éste será devuelto al PROMOTOR o a un tercero sin coste alguno para el HOSPITAL ni la FUNDACION. Cuando reciba una petición de devolución, el INVESTIGADOR PRINCIPAL pondrá el Equipo a disposición del PROMOTOR o del tercero designado por éste para su recogida. A la finalización del ENSAYO el PROMOTOR podrá ceder el Equipo al HOSPITAL o a la FUNDACIÓN con carácter gratuito, a cuyo efecto se formalizarán los documentos que fueran necesarios. En el caso de que se detectaran necesidades adicionales de equipamiento durante la realización del ENSAYO y con posterioridad a la firma del presente contrato, las PARTES deberán firmar una adenda que recoja el equipamiento puesto a disposición respetando las condiciones y términos indicados en los párrafos anteriores.
SEXTA.- SEGURO Y RESPONSABILIDADES El PROMOTOR tiene suscrita una póliza de seguro de responsabilidad civil que cumple en todos sus aspectos lo establecido en el RD 1090/2015. Dicha póliza, nº , que ha sido concertada con la entidad aseguradora , que cubre los daños y perjuicios que como consecuencia del ensayo puedan resultar para la persona en que hubiera de realizarse el ENSAYO objeto de este Contrato, y está vigente al estar el PROMOTOR al corriente de pago de las primas. Dicha póliza incluye también en su ámbito de cobertura, y así lo explicita, al/los INVESTIGADOR/ES PRINCIPAL/ES, sus colaboradores y al HOSPITAL donde se realice (FIIS-FJD, HIE, HRJC y/o HGV).
El HOSPITAL, el INVESTIGADOR PRINCIPAL y la FUNDACIÓN tratarán adecuadamente los datos personales de los sujetos que participen en el ENSAYO de forma que no puedan ser identificados por el PROMOTOR y CRO (si procede). Únicamente accederán a datos personales de los sujetos del ENSAYO, en los que estos estén identificados, en la medida que lo permita el consentimiento informado y en el ejercicio de sus funciones profesionales, los monitores y/o representantes designados por el PROMOTOR y CRO (si procede), auditores y autoridades competentes. Las PARTES firmantes del presente contrato, se obligan mutuamente a:
Al evaluar la adecuación del nivel de seguridad, las partes tendrán en cuenta los riesgos que presente el tratamiento de datos, en particular como consecuencia de la destrucción, pérdida o alteración accidental o ilícita de datos personales transmitidos, conservados o tratados de otra forma, o la comunicación o acceso no autorizados a dichos datos. Las partes permitirán y contribuirán a la realización de auditorías, incluidas inspecciones, a la otra parte.
Asimismo, en caso de modificación de la normativa vigente en materia de protección de datos o de otra normativa relacionada y que resultase aplicable al tratamiento objeto del presente contrato, las partes garantizan la implantación y mantenimiento de cualesquiera otras medidas de seguridad que le fueran exigibles, sin que ello suponga una modificación de los términos del presente contrato.
En caso de violación de la seguridad de los datos personales en los sistemas de información utilizados por las partes para la prestación de los Servicios, deberán notificarse mutuamente, sin dilación indebida, y en cualquier caso antes del plazo máximo de 24 horas hábiles, las violaciones de la seguridad de los datos personales a su cargo de las que tengan conocimiento, juntamente con toda la información relevante para la documentación y comunicación de la incidencia conforme a lo dispuesto en el artículo 33.3 del RGPD. En tal caso, cada parte en la medida que le corresponda deberá comunicar las violaciones de seguridad de los datos a la Autoridad de Protección de Datos y/o a los interesados conforme a lo establecido en la normativa vigente.
917810682 X/Xxxxxxxx 00, 00000 Xxxxxx
Las PARTES podrán también presentar una reclamación ante la Agencia Española de Protección de Datos. Si alguna de las PARTES quisiera hacer una transferencia de Datos Personales de los firmantes fuera del Espacio Económico Europeo (EEE) o Suiza, se realizará solo cuando lo permita la legislación aplicable en el EEE, basándose en los mecanismos legales de transferencia y previa autorización del resto de las PARTES afectadas.
OCTAVA.- MEDICAMENTOS EN INVESTIGACIÓN 8.1. El PROMOTOR suministrará gratuitamente los medicamentos en investigación, incluidos los de comparación y placebos, en los términos que se establecen en el RD 1090/2015.
8.2. El medicamento en investigación será suministrado a través del Servicio de Farmacia del HOSPITAL donde se realice el ensayo (IIS-FJD, HIE, HRJC y/o HGV), dispensándose de manera controlada y de conformidad con las directrices del PROTOCOLO.
8.3. No se pondrá a disposición de los investigadores el medicamento en investigación hasta que no se cuente con el informe favorable del CEIm y la preceptiva autorización AEMPS.
décima.-RESULTADOS Y PUBLICACIONES 10.1. La totalidad de los datos, los resultados del ENSAYO, así como todos los trabajos y derechos de propiedad industrial e intelectual derivados del mismo, son propiedad del PROMOTOR, quedando sujetas las Partes a lo establecido en la legislación que resulte de aplicación. Esta circunstancia no impedirá al/los INVESTIGADOR/ES PRINCIPAL/ES y a la FIIS-FJD el uso de los resultados en sus actividades profesionales de investigación y docencia no comerciales. Salvaguardando los derechos de propiedad industrial y/o intelectual del PROMOTOR y respetando lo establecido en el PROTOCOLO. 10.2. Conforme a lo establecido en RD 1090/2015, el PROMOTOR se compromete a publicar, una vez finalizado el ENSAYO, los resultados obtenidos, sean positivos o negativos. Esta publicación tendrá lugar en medios científicos de acceso público. 10.3. Si los resultados finales del ENSAYO no han sido sometidos a publicación por parte del PROMOTOR, el/los INVESTIGADOR/ES PRINCIPAL/ES podrá dar a conocer con fines profesionales, y en revistas y publicaciones científicas, dichos datos, descubrimientos o invenciones, con mención, al menos, del PROMOTOR de acuerdo a los siguientes criterios: Ensayos con productos no comercializados: en el primer año después de su autorización y comercialización en cualquier país; Ensayos realizados después de la comercialización: en el año posterior a la finalización del ENSAYO, a menos que se comprometa la publicación en una revista médica sometida a revisión por pares o contravenga la legislación nacional. El PROMOTOR, deberá recibir para revisión copia del texto propuesto para su publicación y/o divulgación, de conformidad con lo establecido en el PROTOCOLO y en caso de no indicar nada al respecto, al menos cuarenta y cinco (45) días antes de la fecha de envío a la revista científica y, al menos, veinte (20) días antes en el caso de que se trate de un resumen. En cualquier caso, el/los INVESTIGADOR/ES PRINCIPAL/ES sólo podrá utilizar estos datos previa autorización expresa y por escrito del PROMOTOR. 10.4. Las PARTES acuerdan que la compensación prevista (i) constituye una compensación justa en relación a los servicios prestados según su experiencia; (ii) que no constituye un incentivo para, o a cambio de, pasadas, presentes o futuras prescripciones, compras, recomendaciones, uso, obtención de un estatus formulario preferencial o dispensaciones de cualquier producto del PROMOTOR o en modo alguno supeditado o de cualquier actividad parecida; y, (iii) no supone una alteración del juicio del INVESTIGADOR PRINCIPAL y HOSPITAL en relación al asesoramiento y cuidado de cada uno de los Sujetos. UNDÉCIMA.- CLAÚSULA ANTICORRUPCIÓN 11.1. La política anticorrupción establece que todos los empleados de las PARTES y de cualquier tercero que actúe para las mismas o en su nombre, no tengan ningún interés o compromiso que entre en conflicto o le impida desarrollar sus obligaciones en el presente Contrato. Todas las actividades se deben llevar a cabo respetando y cumpliendo estrictamente con los estándares éticos y la legislación aplicable. Las PARTES consideran esencial un comportamiento íntegro y transparente aplicando una política de tolerancia cero con cualquier práctica corrupta.
11.2. Los empleados de las PARTES y cualquier tercero que actúe en nombre de las mismas, no realizarán pagos de ningún tipo, bajo ningún concepto, ni directa ni indirectamente, a cualquiera de las PARTES participantes en el ENSAYO con el propósito de obtener una ventaja improcedente o de influir indebidamente en la toma de cualquier decisión. Se incluyen en este concepto los pagos o promesas de pago, en especie y/o en metálico, así como cualquier otro ofrecimiento de bien o servicio.
11.3. La FUNDACIÓN registrará de forma fidedigna todas las transacciones económicas derivadas del presente Contrato y pondrá a disposición del PROMOTOR, cuando éste se lo solicite por escrito, la documentación correspondiente que permita verificar el cumplimiento de los compromisos recogidos en el presente documento.
12.1. Para resolver cualquier discrepancia en la aplicación o interpretación de lo establecido en este Contrato, las Partes se someten, con renuncia expresa al fuero que pudiese corresponderles, a la jurisdicción de los juzgados y tribunales de la localidad de la Comunidad de Madrid donde radique el Centro.
12.2. En el caso de existir cualquier discrepancia entre la versión en castellano y la versión en cualquier otra lengua, prevalecerá la versión en castellano.
In Madrid, on __ of ___ of 2022
Of the one part, Mr _________, with national ID No. _____________, acting for and on behalf of ____________ domiciled at _____ (hereinafter CRO), who is acting for and on behalf of ________ (hereinafter SPONSOR), domiciled at ______________, authorized as per power of attorney issued in __________, dated ________, and notarized by Mr _____. None of the aforementioned shall serve to exempt the SPONSOR from the responsibilities set forth in Royal Decree 1090/2015.
Of the other part, Mr Xxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx de la Xxxxx, whose fiscal dentification number is 395.637-Z, acting for and on behalf of the FUNDACIÓN INSTITUTO DE INVESTIGACIÓN SANITARIA of the FUNDACIÓN XXXXXXX XXXX ("FIIS-FJD"), having its registered address at Xxxx. xx xxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, 0, 00000 Xxxxxx and whose fiscal identification code is G-85874949, by virtue of the powers granted to him by the Governing Council of FIIS-FJD before the Notary of Madrid Mr Xxxx-Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxx on 21 June 2015, under official record number 2172.
The FIIS-FJD will assume all the current research activity of the University Hospital Fundación Xxxxxxx Xxxx (HOSPITAL), being the entity through which the research activities and management will be channelled.
And of the other part, Dr ____________, whose fiscal identification number is ___________acting on his/her own behalf ("PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR"), whose address, for notification purposes, is the HOSPITAL, located at Xxxx. xx xxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, 0, 00000 Xxxxxx.
The Parties mutually recognize their capacity to enter into this Agreement ("Parties").
That the SPONSOR is interested in conducting the CLINICAL TRIAL described within the first clause of the Agreement. Based on the above, they agree to enter into this Agreement under the following
TWO. START AND DURATION 2.1. This Agreement shall enter into effect on the day of its signing, and shall remain in effect until the completion of the TRIAL, without prejudice to the provisions set forth in Clause Nine. For these purposes, the TRIAL will not be deemed as being completed until the parties have fulfilled all of the obligations set forth herein.
2.2. Under no circumstances shall the TRIAL begin before the requisite authorization has been given by the Spanish Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices ("AEMPS") under the terms set forth by Royal Decree 1090/2015, by the corresponding CEIm, by the HOSPITAL management, and any other authorization that may be necessary according to applicable laws or regulations. The effectiveness of the present Agreement is subject to the receipt of the aforementioned authorizations. The Parties undertake to ensure that the TRIAL is carried out according to the Protocol.
2.3. As set forth in the Protocol, the expected period of the TRIAL is ______ years/months.
FOURTH.- OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIES 4.1. The Parties are obligated to carry out in full the services established in this Agreement and in the Protocol. Each Party shall comply with its relevant obligations according to the rules established in Clause Three. The obligations, responsibilities, and functions set forth in Royal Decree 1090/2015 for each of the Parties shall be in effect under this Agreement, and any failure to observe such obligations, responsibilities, and functions shall constitute a breach of this Agreement.
4.2. The following are also obligations for the Parties:
4.2.1. Cooperate in follow-up TRIAL visits made by: (1) the CEIm, (2) monitors and auditors acting at the request of the SPONSOR, and (3) competent authorities performing inspections. Notification of these visits will be given at least one week in advance except where another period has been agreed upon by the Parties. During said follow-up and monitoring visits and audits, measures of a technical or organizational nature shall be taken so as to most fully adhere to regulations on the protection of personal data.
4.2.2. The PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR, SPONSOR, monitors, and auditors shall comply with the internal rules of the Hospital and of the FOUNDATION, which shall be made known by the latter entities and will be accompanied by indications on the development of the TRIAL set by the CEIm charged with oversight of the TRIAL.
4.2.3. No outside agreements or terms which may introduce exceptions to or contravene the contents of this Agreement shall be reached as concerns the performance of the TRIAL. To this end, each of the Parties declares that as of the date of signing, they have not entered into agreements or covenants which may contravene the Agreement. In particular, and by virtue of this Clause, the Parties accept that, other than those set forth in this Agreement, there shall be no agreements reached or considerations paid whatsoever. Meetings held to organize or supervise the conduct of the Study as well as other meetings whose purpose is to analyze or report the results of said Study (i.e., presentations or scientific publications) shall be exempt from this prohibition.
4.3. In addition to the obligations appearing in the applicable regulations, the SPONSOR shall give continuous support to the PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR, providing him/her and the CEIm with any new relevant information appearing on the investigational medicinal product. 4.4. The FIIS-FJD shall manage the economic aspects of this TRIAL, for which it shall receive the payments made by the SPONSOR/CRO and distribute said payments as established in the TRIAL financial schedule.
4.5. The PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR(s) undertake to maintain custody of the patient identification codes. The SPONSOR and the PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR(s) undertake to keep the essential documents pertaining to the TRIAL for the period and under the conditions set forth by applicable legislation.
FIVE. ECONOMIC ASPECTS 5.1. The initial budget for this trial for the FIIS-FJD is _________ EUROS VAT not included (€____) ("Total Budgeted by Patient") as set forth in the TRIAL Financial Schedule (Annex I: Financial Schedule), which specifies all economic aspects of the TRIAL. In no event does the aforementioned sum imply that the Hospital and/or PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR(s) are obligated or induced to recommend, prescribe, purchase, use, or arrange for the use of any of the SPONSOR’s products.
Additionally, upon signing this contract, the SPONSOR will pay the amount of 3,000 EUROS + VAT (THREE THOUSAND EUROS plus VAT), in a single, non-refundable payment, for administrative and contractual management expenses; and €350 + VAT (THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY EUROS plus VAT) for filing fees, to safeguard the documentation for the 25 years established by law (Art 58 No 536/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 16, 2014).
5.2. The sum payable by the SPONSOR/CRO during the performance of the TRIAL shall be determined according to the contents of Annex I and shall be paid to FIIS-FJD according to the instalments appearing below:
5.2.1. The remainder of the TRIAL Budget shall be paid at least biannually as detailed in the table appearing in the TRIAL Financial Schedule, which presents sums per visit and per recruited patient. For these intents and purposes, the SPONSOR/CRO and PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR(s) shall provide semi-annual reports to the FIIS-FJD.
5.2.2. In cases where the SPONSOR plans to fund allowances for patient travel/ accommodation, the maximum amount must be included in the Agreement. If this expense is to be processed by the FIIS-FJD, 30% will be added to the invoices by way of management costs.
5.2.3. These payments shall be considered to be payments on account, leading up to the final settlement of the TRIAL sum.
5.3. The final sum to be paid by the SPONSOR/CRO for the performance of the TRIAL shall be determined by taking into account the activities actually carried out for the purposes of the TRIAL, including possible hospitalization derived from adverse effects of the trial (hereinafter, "Final Sum"). The Final Sum shall be calculated as follows:
5.3.1. Within a maximum period of three (3) months of the completion of the TRIAL in the Hospital, the SPONSOR/CRO and the PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR shall notify the FIIS-FJD in writing of the total number of the following: (1) subjects recruited and evaluated, (2) visits occurred, (3) incidents arising, and (4) any unplanned tests, analyses, examinations, consultations, or hospital stays, whether or not these events appear in the Financial Schedule (Annex I).
5.3.2. As soon as possible after receipt of the notice referred to in the previous point, the FIIS-FJD shall calculate and draft a final invoice to be sent to the SPONSOR/CRO for the Total Sum. Where appropriate, the FIIS-FJD shall request payment for the pending amounts payable, which shall be settled within one (1) month and with no need for further requests. In settling the final sum, it shall be understood that the SPONSOR has fulfilled all financial obligations.
5.4. All
payments shall be made against a corresponding invoice, which
shall include VAT as established according to the legislation in
force on the date the invoice was issued. Invoices shall be issued
in the name of the SPONSOR or other party deemed to be responsible
for financial aspects. The invoices will be issued to: (tax information)
The invoices will be sent to: (tax information)
Our fiscal data: FUNDACIÓN INSTITUTO DE INVESTIGACIÓN SANITARIA FUNDACIÓN XXXXXXX XXXX BANCO SANTANDER S.A. Xxx Xxxxxxxx, 00 00000 – Xxxxxx (Xxxxx) Acct. number: 0075.5977.81.0605344752 IBAN: ES91 SWIFT code: XXXXXXXX
5.5. All payments made by the SPONSOR/CRO must indicate the invoice number in the PURPOSE OF PAYMENT or REMARKS field in the transfer order. Otherwise, FIIS-FJD cannot guarantee that the payment of the invoice will be properly validated.
5.6. Payments made to the FIIS-FJD by the SPONSOR/CRO shall be considered final for the latter. Responsibility for payments to the trial investigators or subjects rests with the FIIS-FJD.
5.7. The PARTIES agree that, if the HOSPITAL lacks the necessary equipment to properly conduct the TRIAL, the SPONSOR shall provide such equipment to the HOSPITAL for use free of charge, either directly or through a third party. Furthermore, the SPONSOR shall assume the cost and responsibility with regard to the supply, installation, maintenance, calibration, and removal of the equipment, as well as any training necessary for staff to operate the equipment. In no event will the HOSPITAL, the FOUNDATION, or the PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR be responsible for the maintenance or possible loss of equipment.
equipment shall comprise the following:
The Equipment shall remain the property of the SPONSOR or a third party at all times and be properly labeled as such. The Equipment should only be used to perform the TRIAL, and upon completion it will be returned to the SPONSOR or a third party at no cost to the HOSPITAL or the FOUNDATION. Upon receipt of a request for return, the PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR shall make the Equipment available to either the SPONSOR or a third party designated by the SPONSOR for removal. Upon completion of the TRIAL, the SPONSOR may assign the Equipment to the HOSPITAL or the FOUNDATION free of charge; in such event, all necessary documents will be drafted to reflect this. In the event that additional equipment needs are detected during the performance of the TRIAL and after the signing of this Agreement, the PARTIES must sign an addendum that includes the equipment made available, in accordance the conditions and terms indicated in the previous paragraphs.
SIXTH.- Insurance and LIABILITIES The SPONSOR has contracted a civil liability insurance policy that meets all of the requirements appearing in Royal Decree 1090/2015. This policy, number______________, arranged with the insurance company __________________, and which covers any loss or damage suffered as a result of the trial by the person on whom the TRIAL forming the subject hereof was to be performed, is currently valid, as the SPONSOR is up-to-date in the payment of the premiums. The aforesaid policy also expressly covers the PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR(s), his/her collaborators, and the HOSPITAL where the TRIAL is carried out (FIIS-FJD, HIE, HRJC and/or HGV).
The HOSPITAL, PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR(S), and FOUNDATION shall properly process the personal data of the subjects participating in the TRIAL so that the subjects cannot be identified by the SPONSOR or CRO (where applicable). To the extent allowed by the Informed Consent document and in carrying out their professional duties, the only individuals who shall be granted access to the personal data of the TRIAL subjects (should this data be identified) shall be the monitors and/or representatives designated by the SPONSOR and CRO (where applicable) the auditors, and the competent authorities.
The signatory PARTIES to this Agreement mutually undertake to perform the following:
In assessing the adequacy of the level of security, the parties will take into account the risks presented by the processing of data, particularly as a result of the destruction, loss, or accidental or unlawful alteration of personal data transmitted, stored, or otherwise processed, or the unauthorized communication or access to such data. The parties shall allow the other party to perform audits, including inspections, and collaborate with these efforts.
Furthermore, in the event of an amendment to the regulations in force regarding data protection or other related regulations applicable to the processing forming the subject of this Agreement, the parties guarantee to establish and maintain any other security measures that may be required without involving an amendment to the terms of this Agreement.
In the event of a security breach affecting personal data in the information systems used by the parties to deliver the Services, the parties must notify each other of security breaches affecting personal data for which they are responsible that they are aware of, providing all the relevant information for the documentation and notification of the incident in accordance with the provisions of article 33.3 of the GDPR, without undue delay, and in all cases within 24 working hours.
In such a case, each party must report the data security violations to the Data Protection Authority and/or the interested parties in accordance with the provisions of current regulations.
(Include contact details of the SPONSOR Data Protection Officer)
x00 00 000 00 00 X/ Xxxxxxxx 00, 00000 Xxxxxx (Xxxxx)
The PARTIES may also file a Complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency. If any of the PARTIES wishes transfer Personal Data of signatories outside the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland, this may be done only when permitted by legislation applicable in the EEA, based on the legal transfer mechanisms and prior authorization of all other affected PARTIES.
EIGHTH.- investigational medicinal products 8.1. The SPONSOR will supply the trial medicinal products free of charge, including comparators and placebos, under the terms established in RD 1090/2015.
8.2 The medicinal product will be provided via the Pharmacy Service of the HOSPITAL at which the trial is conducted (FIIS-FJD, HIC, HRJC and/or HGV) being dispensed in a controlled manner and in accordance with the PROTOCOL guidelines.
8.3 The trial medicinal product will not be made available to the investigators until the CEIm has given its favourable report and they have the mandatory authorisation from the AEMPS.
NINE- AMENDMENT, Cancellation or suspension AND TERMINATION OF THE AGREEMENT. AMENDMENT 9.1. Any amendment to the provisions of this Agreement shall be made in writing and shall be signed by the Parties as an addendum hereto. Any amendment must be made in accordance with the provisions of Article 26 of Royal Decree 1090/2015. 9.2. In the event of a change of investigator during the period in which the study is being carried out, the outgoing investigator shall transfer to the incoming investigator the content and rights deriving from the authorship of the study, and all parties shall expressly recognize this change.
9.3. The TRIAL may be cancelled or suspended by any of the Parties under any of the circumstances detailed in Article 27 of Royal Decree 1090/2015 and in any of the following cases: 9.3.1. Failure to comply with the basic obligations assumed by any of the Parties. 9.3.2. Failure to comply with or defective performance of the remaining obligations by another Party if such failure is not corrected within fifteen (15) days after receiving written notice from the other Party to comply therewith. 9.3.3. By mutual written agreement among the Parties.
TERMINATION OF THE CONTRACT 9.4. The termination or suspension of the execution of the TRIAL will allow the termination of the Agreement by the Party not in breach of its contractual obligations.
10.1. All data, TRIAL results, and all work and industrial and intellectual property rights deriving from the TRIAL shall be the property of the SPONSOR. For these purposes, the Parties shall be subject to the provisions of the relevant laws. This circumstance shall not prevent the PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR(s) or the FIIS-FJD from using the results in their professional activities. The parties shall safeguard the industrial and/or intellectual property rights of the SPONSOR observing the provisions of the PROTOCOL.
10.2. As set forth in Royal Decree 1090/2015, the SPONSOR undertakes to publish the results obtained once the study is completed, whether they are positive or negative. These results will be published in open-access scientific media.
10.3. Should
the final results of the STUDY not be submitted for publication by
the SPONSOR, the PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR(s) may, for professional
purposes, release said data, discoveries, or inventions to
scientific journals and publications, mentioning at least the
SPONSOR, in accordance with the following criteria:
10.4. The PARTIES agree that the expected remuneration (i) is fair according to their experience as concerns the services provided; (ii) does not constitute an incentive for or is in exchange for past, present, or future prescriptions, purchases, recommendations, use, or the granting of preferential formulaic status or dispensations of any of the SPONSOR’s products or is in any way contingent upon any similar activity; and (iii) does not require changes in the judgment of the PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR or HOSPITAL as concerns the advice and care delivered to the Subjects.
ELEVEN. ANTI-CORRUPTION CLAUSE 11.1. The anti-corruption policy provides that no employee of the PARTIES or any third party acting for them or on their behalf shall have interests or commitments that may create a conflict or prevent them from fulfilling their obligations set forth in this Agreement. All the activities shall be carried out respecting and in strict observance of the ethical standards and applicable legislation. The PARTIES consider integrity and transparency to be essential and have a zero-tolerance policy for corrupt practices of any nature.
11.2. No employee of the PARTIES or any third parties acting on their behalf shall make any payments of any type, for any reason, either directly or indirectly, to any of the PARTIES participating in the TRIAL for the purpose of securing an improper advantage or to unduly influence any decisions. For these purposes, "payments" include payments and pledges for payment, in kind and/or in cash, as well as any other offer of goods or services.
11.3. The FOUNDATION shall keep reliable records of all financial transactions deriving from the present Agreement and will provide the SPONSOR, upon the latter’s written request, with the relevant documentation to verify fulfilment of the commitments appearing in this document.
12.1. In order to resolve any discrepancy which may arise when applying or interpreting the provisions of this Agreement, the Parties shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts and tribunals of Madrid corresponding to the location of the site involved, expressly waiving their rights to any and all jurisdictions which may otherwise apply.
12.2. In the event of any discrepancy between the Spanish version and the version in any other language, the Spanish version will prevail.
(Incluir memoria económica del Ensayo en castellano y en inglés)
Y para que conste, y en prueba de conformidad, las Partes firman este documento mediante firma digital.
In witness whereof, the Parties sign this document by digital signature.
Por el representante del PROMOTOR/ Representative for the SPONSOR,
Por la/For FIIS-FJD,
D./Mr. Xxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx de la Xxxxx