OBJECTIVES Mallilausekkeet

OBJECTIVES. Tämän tavoitteena on (Esimerkki: hankesopimuksen The objectives of this PA are: (For example:
OBJECTIVES. Provide details of the type of work to be accomplished under this TOR. Example follows. Information on research conducted by each Party in the area of (name specific technol- ogy) technology and its potential for (identify potential benefit) will be exchanged and the potential for a PA leading to application of dollisista hankesopimuksista teknologiasovel- lusten luomiseksi.
OBJECTIVES. The objectives of this Code are: .1 to establish an international framework involving co-operation between Contracting Governments, Government agencies, local administrations and the shipping and port industries to detect security threats and take preventive measures against security inci- dents affecting ships or port facilities used in international trade; .2 to establish the respective roles and re- sponsibilities of the Contracting Govern- ments, Government agencies, local admini- strations and the shipping and port indus- tries, at the national and international level for ensuring maritime security; .3 to ensure the early and efficient collec- tion and exchange of security-related in- formation; .4 to provide a methodology for security assessments so as to have in place plans and procedures to react to changing security levels; and .5 to ensure confidence that adequate and proportionate maritime security measures are in place.
OBJECTIVES. These provisions lay down mandatory requirements as well as recommended principles for PARTNERS which wish to participate in a PROJECT conducted within the Intelligent Manufacturing Systems Scheme (IMS SCHEME). The objectives of these provisions are to provide adequate protection for intellectual property rights used in and generated during joint research and development PROJECTS under the IMS SCHEME while ensuring: — that contributions and benefits by PARTICIPANTS, from cooperation in such PROJECTS, are equitable and balanced, — that the proper balance is struck between the need for flexibility in PARTNERS' negotiations and the need for uniformity of procedure among PROJECTS and among PARTNERS, and — that the results of the research will be shared by the PARTNERS through a process that protects and equitably allocates any intellectual property rights created or furnished during the cooperation.
OBJECTIVES. 4. NATO Nations and NATO Civil and Mil- itary bodies shall ensure that the basic prin- ciples and minimum standards of security set forth in this C-M are applied to safe- guard NATO Classified Information from loss of confidentiality, integrity and availa- bility.
OBJECTIVES. 1.1 The purpose of this appendix is to provide the criteria and procedures for the designa- tion of SOx Emission Control Areas. The objective of SOx Emission Control Areas is to pre- vent, reduce, and control air pollution from SOx emissions from ships and their attendant ad- verse impacts on land and sea areas.