General Mallilausekkeet

General. A. Service. Apple is the provider of the Service, which permits You, under the terms and conditions of this Agreement, to: (i) enroll Authorized Devices for the purpose of Mobile Device Management (MDM) within Your Institution; (ii) access relevant software tools to facilitate the Service; (iii) administer Your creation and distribution of Managed Apple IDs and their use by Your End Users; (iv) manage the transmission, storage, purchase and maintenance of relevant data and Content related to the Service; (v) manage Your creation and administration of courses using the Service; and (vi) enable certain features and functionality of the Service for End Users to use with their Managed Apple IDs including, without limitation, the measurement of student progress on activities assigned in ClassKit enabled applications through Apple School Manager, features involving Third Party Products and Services as set forth in Section 3 of this Agreement, and the features and services set forth in Section 4D of this Agreement. You agree to use the Service only in compliance with this Agreement and all applicable laws and regulations.
General. 8.1.1. Both Parties recognize that success- ful collaboration depends on full and prompt exchange of Information necessary for car- rying out each PA. The Parties intend to ac- quire sufficient Information and rights to use such Information to enable collaboration on basic, exploratory, and advanced technolo- gies, the maturation of which may lead to the development of technologically superior sys- tems. The nature and amount of Information to be acquired shall be consistent with the objectives stated in the articles concerning the objectives and scope of work in the ap- plicable PA.
General. Mandatory: There will not be any transfer of funds between the Parties pursuant to this TOR. In those cases where a PA is determined to be required, the Project Officers will make every effort to prepare the necessary documentation and secure the re- quired approvals as expeditiously as possible. The TOR will be drafted and approved in English, with copies signed by the MAs (or their designated representatives) of both Par- ties.
General. 1.1 Except for the cases provided for in ar- ticle 24, designated operators shall be liable for:
General. 1.1 The Finnish Composers’ Copyright Society Teosto (here- inafter Teosto) is a collective management organisation as determined in the Act on the Collective Management of Copyright (1494/2016) representing authors of music. Based on its mandate from the authors directly and from reciprocal representation agreements, Xxxxxx enters into agreements concerning the use of their works.
General. 1.1 Items not fulfilling the conditions laid down in the Convention and the Regulations xxxx xxxxxx, ei oteta vastaan. Sellaisia lähetyk- siä ei oteta vastaan, jotka on lähetetty vilpil- lisen toimen edistämiseksi tai kun tarkoituk- sena on ollut välttää asianmukaisen ja täyden maksun maksaminen.
General. In the absence of national requirements the characteristic resistance of the plastic anchor may be determined by job site tests, if the plastic anchor has already characteristic values given in Annex 4, 5 and 6 for the same base material as it is present on the construction works. Furthermore job site tests for use in different concrete, solid masonry and hollow or perforated masonry are possible only if the plastic anchor has already characteristic values given in Annex 4, 5 and 6 for use in the equivalent base material. Job site tests are also possible, if another drill method is been used. The characteristic resistance to be applied to a plastic anchor should be determined by means of at least 15 pull- out tests carried out on the construction work with a centric tension load acting on the plastic anchor. These tests may also performed in a laboratory under equivalent conditions as used on construction work Execution and evaluation of the tests as well as issue of the test report and determination of the characteristic resistance should be supervised by the person responsible for execution of works on site and be carried out by a competent person. Number and position of the plastic anchors to be tested should be adapted to the relevant special conditions of the construction work in question and, for example, in the case of blind and larger areas be increased such that a reliable information about the characteristic resistance of the plastic anchor embedded in the base material in question can be derived. The tests should take account of the unfavourable conditions of practical execution.
General. A. Finland shall require that Reporting Finnish Financial Institutions apply the due diligence procedures contained in this Annex I to identify U.S. Reportable Accounts and accounts held by Nonparticipating Financial Institutions.
General. 8.1.1. All Parties recognize that successful collaboration depends on full and prompt ex- keen toteuttamiseksi tarvittavan tiedon täysi- mittaisesta ja nopeasta vaihtamisesta. Osa- puolet hankkivat riittävän hanketiedon ja riit- tävät oikeudet sen käyttämiseen, jotta tämän sopimuksen II artikla (Tavoitteet) ja III artik- la (Toiminnan laajuus) voidaan toteuttaa. Hankittavan hanketiedon luonne ja määrä ovat tämän sopimuksen II artiklan (Tavoit- teet) ja III artiklan (Toiminnan laajuus) ta- voitteiden mukaiset. Osapuolet hyväksyvät VI artiklan (Sopimuksia koskevat määräyk- set) 6.7. kappaleeseen perustuvat velvollisuu- tensa tilanteissa, joissa ne eivät pysty hank- kimaan riittäviä tämän sopimuksen VIII artik- lassa (Hanketietojen luovuttaminen ja käyttö) edellytettyjä oikeuksia käyttää ja luovuttaa hanketietoa.
General. 1. Scope