Tendering procedure Primjeri odredbi

Tendering procedure. The Borrower and HŽ undertake that all supply and work supervision contracts, the purchase of related materials and equipment and the provision of consulting services for the Project, so far as appropriate and to the satisfaction of the Bank, will be by international tender open to nationals of all countries.
Tendering procedure. The Borrower shall purchase equipment, secure services and order works for the Projects, so far as appropriate and possible and, in the case of a contract for equipment which is in an aggregate principal amount in excess of EUR 400.000 or in the case of a contract for public works which is in an aggregate principal amount in excess of EUR 5 million, in a manner satisfactory to the Bank, by international tender (a) open at least to nationals of all countries which are signatories of the Agreement on the European Economic Area or (b) in accordance with each Directive of the Council of the European Union applicable to the relevant Project.
Tendering procedure. The Borrower shall purchase goods, procure services, and order works for the Project in accordance with the current edition of the EIB Guide to Procurement, contracts above the thresholds of the EU procurement directives to be subject to open international tender with prior publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities. The Borrower shall seek the Bank's non-objection written notice prior to the issue of any tender documents and any contract award.
Tendering procedure. The Borrower shall purchase goods, procure services, and order works for the Sections indicated under items 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.5 and 2.1 to 2.5 of the Technical Description in accordance with the EIB Guide to Procurement applicable at the time of the signature of this Contract. Contracts above the thresholds of the EU procurement directives shall be subject to open international tender with prior publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities. The Borrower may in some cases purchase goods, procure services, and order works for the Sections indicated above in accordance with the applicable Croatian Public Procurement Act if this proves to be acceptable to the Bank. In these cases the Borrower shall seek the Bank's non-objection written notice prior to the issue of any tender documents and any contract award, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. The Borrower shall purchase goods, procure services, and order works in relation to the Sections other than the ones indicated in the first paragraph of this Article 6.04 in accordance with Croatian Public Procurement Act.

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