Dokumen asli Klausul Contoh

Dokumen asli. 2.1. Polis, Sertifikat, Lampiran / Endosemen.
Dokumen asli. 2.1. Polis, Sertifikat, Lampiran / Endorsemen. 2.2. Surat Tanda Nomor Kendaraan, Buku Pemilik Kendaraan Bermotor, Faktur pembelian, blanko kwitansi dan surat penyerahan hak milik yang sudah ditanda-tangani Tertanggung. 2.3. Dokumen yang diperlukan sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku untuk Kendaraan Bermotor diplomatik atau badan internasional. 2.4. Buku Kir untuk jenis kendaraan yang ARTICLE 13 FRAUDULENT REPORT The Insured with the intention of taking benefit from this Policy shall not be entitled to get indemnification when: 1. discloses facts and/or makes statements which are untrue regarding circumstances relating to the proposal submitted at the time of effecting this Policy and relating to the loss and/or damage that occurred; 2. exaggerates the amount of loss suffered; 3. declares items which did not exist as being existent at the time of incident and states such items as had been destroyed; 4. hides saved items or their salvage and declares those items as had been destroyed; 5. uses any letter or evidence which is fake, falsehood or deceit. ARTICLE 14 SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS FOR CLAIM In case of an incident occurs that would possibly gives rise to any claim, the Insured shall be obliged to deliver the following claim supporting documents : I In Case of Partial Loss 1. Report of loss including chronology of incident. 2. copy of : 2.1. Policy, Certificate, Attachment/ Endorsement. 2.2. Driving License of the Driver at the time of incident, Motor Vehicle License, Identification Card of the Insured. II In Case of Total Loss 1. Report of loss including chronology of incident. 2. Original documents : 2.1. Policy, Certificate, Attachment/ Endorsement. 2.2. Motor Vehicle License, Certificate of Ownership of Motor Vehicle, Sales invoice, receipt and letter of ownership assignment signed by the Insured. 2.3. Documents required in accordance with the regulation applicable to Motor Vehicle of diplomatic or international agency. 2.4. Motor Vehicle Inspection Book for types of wajib Kir.
Dokumen asli. Polis, Sertifikat, Lampiran/Endosemen. Surat Tanda Nomor Kendaraan, Buku Pemilik Kendaraan Bermotor, Faktur Pembelian, blanko kuitansi dan surat penyerahan hak milik yang sudah ditandatangani Tertanggung. Dokumen yang diperlukan sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku untuk Kendaraan Bermotor diplomatik atau badan internasional. Buku Kir untuk jenis kendaraan yang wajib Kir. Surat Keterangan Kepolisian Daerah, dalam hal kehilangan keseluruhan. Bukti pemblokiran Surat Tanda Nomor Kendaraan, dalam hal kehilangan keseluruhan. Fotokopi Surat Izin Mengemudi milik Pengemudi pada saat kejadian, Kartu Tanda Penduduk Tertanggung. Foto kerusakan, estimasi biaya perbaikan, jika diminta oleh Penanggung. Surat Laporan Kepolisian setempat, jika kerugian dan atau kerusakan melibatkan pihak ketiga atau dalam hal kehilangan sebagian akibat pencurian. Surat tuntutan dari pihak ketiga jika kerugian dan atau kerusakan melibatkan pihak ketiga. Dokumen lain yang relevan yang diminta Penanggung sehubungan dengan penyelesaian klaim.