LIGHTNING Klausul Contoh

LIGHTNING. Damage directly caused by lightning. In respect of electrical machinery, electrical or electronic equipment and electrical installations, such loss or damage will only be covered hereunder if the lightning ignites fire to such property. arising from property insured in this Policy or other Policy which is running in conjunction with this Policy for the interest of the same Insured. Explosion in this Policy is deemed to mean any sudden release of energy resulting from the oleh mengembangnya gas atau uap. Meledaknya suatu bejana (ketel uap, pipa dan sebagainya) dapat dianggap ledakan jika dinding bejana itu robek terbuka sedemikian rupa sehingga terjadi keseimbangan tekanan secara tiba-tiba di dalam maupun di luar bejana. Jika ledakan itu terjadi di dalam bejana sebagai akibat reaksi kimia, setiap kerugian pada bejana tersebut dapat diberikan ganti rugi sekalipun dinding bejana tidak robek terbuka. Dengan syarat apabila terhadap risiko ledakan ditutup juga pertanggungan dengan Polis jenis lain yang khusus untuk itu, Penanggung hanya menanggung sisa kerugian dari jumlah yang seharusnya dapat dibayarkan oleh polis jenis lain tersebut apabila polis ini dianggap seolah-olah tidak ada.
LIGHTNING. Damage directly caused by lightning. In respect of electrical machinery, electrical or electronic equipment and electrical installations, such loss or damage will only be covered hereunder if the lightning ignites fire to such property. arising from property insured in this Policy or other Policy which is running in conjunction with this Policy for the interest of the same Insured. Explosion in this Policy is deemed to mean any sudden release of energy resulting from the expansion of gases or vapour. The bursting of a container (boiler, pipe etc.) is considered as an explosion if the walls of the container are torn open to such extent that a sudden equilibrium of the pressure inside and outside the container takes place. If an explosion occurs inside a container in consequence of a chemical reaction, any damage to the container is indemnifiable even if the walls of the container are not torn open. If explosion is also covered by more specific policy, the Insurer shall only indemnify the remaining loss from the amount which should be payable under such other policy as if this Policy does not exist.
LIGHTNING. Damage directly caused by lightning. In respect of electrical machinery, electrical or electronic equipment and electrical installations, such loss or damage will only be covered hereunder if the lightning ignites fire to such property.

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