Method Klausul Contoh

Method. This study used a qualitative approach, to explore and understand the meaning that comes from social or humans problems individually or in groups of people [10] by collecting samples of practical subjects in visual communication design program study, with research subjects : (1) course activity; (2) lecturers; (3) students. The data collection technique includes interviews and focus group discussion, most common methods of data collection in qualitative research [11]. The research was conducted in second-year class of a visual communication design school, with 40 students with team teaching of four teacher. In the course activity, students were asked to conduct research on various themes, thoughts, feelings, guesses, imaginations and put them in a visual diary. During the process, lecturers and students interacting the learning through coaching and discussion. After the course activity, interview was conducted with 10 students regarding their experience by carrying out this course activity. Structured interview was used in this method, each respondent was asked by the same question. Focus group discussions were conducted with lecturers to generate on collective views and meaning. Data analysis was carried out by organizing, describing the data, presenting and making conclusions.
Method. 1) Penerapan model MAKP 2) Penerapan timbang terima 3) Penerapan ronde keperawatan 4) Pengelolaan logistic dan obat 5) Penerapan penerimaan pasien baru 6) Penerapan Discharge Planning 7) Penerapan Supervisi 8) Penerapan Dokumentasi keperawatan
Method. This training module development research uses a qualitative approach and action research/action research in formulating an intervention model to help increase tolerance for adolescents. According to Xxxxxxxxx and Xxxxx [13] action research has three important elements. (1) Globalization which erodes eastern values, eg tolerance; (2) Democracy which is dominated by low class: groups. this is easily influenced to make changes quickly and instantaneously and is irrational; (3) The development of social media (medsos) is very fast so that radical understanding can spread quickly. In the world of developmental psychology, the debate behind the formation of behavior always leads to two big concepts, namely whether behavior is influenced by nature or nature or behavior is shaped by the process of learning and experience (nurture). Research Xxxxxx Xxxxx, a developmental psychology researcher from Penn State University, United States (US), tries to bridge these two concepts with its research. According to him, genetic factors give humans inner potential. However, it is undeniable that environmental factors play a role in shaping the behavior of each individual. The difference between religious beliefs and concepts that are seen as truth is certainly getting wider in the midst of an increasingly complex society. Whereas people live not only based on one culture or religion alone, but also live side by side with other communities who have different cultures or religions. This condition causes conflicts to be prone to occur and lead to intolerant behavior. Friction between groups of people who have different beliefs and values is prone to causing intolerant behavior. This is a phenomenon that often occurs in groups of people who have a very high level of religious fundamentalism. They believe that their religion is the most correct compared to other religions. A deeply ingrained identity will build motivation to fight for their religion. This causes individuals willing and courageous to volunteer themselves to fight on behalf of the group to do extreme activities. young people are vulnerable to engaging in acts of intolerance. Teenagers can become actors who support or sympathize with intolerant groups. Why do spiritual welfare improvements need to be done to overcome the problem of intolerance? What does spiritual well-being have to do with intolerance? Before answering this question, it is necessary to first explain what spiritual well-being is. Improving spiritual...

Related to Method

  • AKAD WAKALAH Sesuai Fatwa Dewan Syariah Nasional Nomor 20/DSN-MUI/IV/2001, perjanjian (akad) antara Manajer Investasi dan Pemegang Unit Penyertaan berdasarkan Kontrak Investasi Kolektif Reksa Dana merupakan akad yang dilakukan secara Wakalah, yaitu Pemegang Unit Penyertaan memberikan mandat kepada Manajer Investasi untuk melakukan investasi bagi kepentingan Pemegang Unit Penyertaan sesuai dengan ketentuan yang tercantum dalam Kontrak Investasi Kolektif dan prospektus Reksa Dana. Manajer Investasi dan Bank Kustodian (wakiliin) bertindak untuk kepentingan para Pemegang Unit Penyertaan (muwakkil) dimana Manajer Investasi diberi wewenang untuk mengelola portofolio investasi kolektif dan Bank Kustodian diberi wewenang untuk melaksanakan penitipan kolektif.

  • DAFTAR TABEL Tabel Halaman

  • BIAYA YANG MENJADI BEBAN MANAJER INVESTASI a. Biaya persiapan pembentukan REKSA DANA SAHAM EASTSPRING INVESTMENTS ALPHA NAVIGATOR yaitu biaya pembuatan Kontrak Investasi Kolektif, Prospektus Awal, dan penerbitan dokumen-dokumen yang diperlukan termasuk Imbalan Jasa Akuntan, Konsultan Hukum, dan Notaris,; b. Biaya administrasi pengelolaan portofolio REKSA DANA SAHAM EASTSPRING INVESTMENTS ALPHA NAVIGATOR yaitu biaya telepon, faksimili, fotokopi dan transportasi; c. Biaya pemasaran termasuk biaya pencetakan brosur, biaya promosi dan iklan dariREKSA DANA SAHAM EASTSPRING INVESTMENTS ALPHA NAVIGATOR ; d. Biaya pencetakan dan distribusi Formulir Pembukaan Rekening REKSA DANA SAHAM EASTSPRING INVESTMENTS ALPHA NAVIGATOR, Formulir Profil Calon Pemegang Unit Penyertaan, Formulir Pemesanan Pembelian Unit Penyertaan, Formulir Penjualan Kembali Unit Penyertaan (jika ada), dan Formulir Pengalihan Investasi (Jika ada); dan e. Biaya pengumuman di surat kabar harian berbahasa Indonesia yang berperedaran nasional mengenai laporan penghimpunan dana kelolaan REKSA DANA SAHAM EASTSPRING INVESTMENTS ALPHA NAVIGATOR paling lambat 60 (enam puluh) Hari Bursa setelah Pernyataan Pendaftaran REKSA DANA SAHAM EASTSPRING INVESTMENTS ALPHA NAVIGATOR menjadi efektif; dan f. Imbalan jasa Konsultan Hukum, Akuntan, Notaris dan beban lainnya kepada pihak ketiga (jika ada) berkenaan dengan pembubaran dan likuidasi REKSA DANA SAHAM EASTSPRING INVESTMENTS ALPHA NAVIGATOR serta harta kekayaannya.


  • Tim Pengelola Investasi Tim pengelola investasi BATAVIA DANA OBLIGASI ULTIMA terdiri dari:

  • KORESPONDENSI 4.1 Semua korespondensi dapat berbentuk surat, e- mail dan/atau faksimili dengan alamat tujuan para pihak yang tercantum dalam SSKK. 4.2 Semua pemberitahuan, permohonan, atau persetujuan berdasarkan Kontrak ini harus dibuat secara tertulis dalam Bahasa Indonesia, dan dianggap telah diberitahukan jika telah disampaikan secara langsung kepada Wakil Sah Para Pihak dalam SSKK, atau jika disampaikan melalui surat tercatat dan/atau faksimili ditujukan ke alamat yang tercantum dalam SSKK.

  • Investasi Bank Kustodian

  • IMBALAN JASA DAN ALOKASI BIAYA Dalam pengelolaan BATAVIA DANA OBLIGASI ULTIMA terdapat biaya-biaya yang harus dikeluarkan oleh BATAVIA DANA OBLIGASI ULTIMA, Manajer Investasi maupun Pemegang Unit Penyertaan. Perincian biaya-biaya dan alokasinya adalah sebagai berikut:

  • Manfaat Investasi BATAVIA PROTEKSI MAXIMA 21 memberikan manfaat dan kemudahan bagi Pemegang Unit Penyertaan antara lain:

  • Diversifikasi Investasi Untuk investasi di luar surat berharga yang dijamin oleh Bank Indonesia atau Pemerintah Indonesia yang memiliki risiko terendah, diversifikasi investasi perlu dilakukan dengan maksud mengurangi risiko investasi. Jika dana investasi yang dimiliki relatif kecil, sulit untuk memperoleh manfaat diversifikasi tanpa kehilangan kesempatan memperoleh hasil investasi yang baik. Melalui MANDIRI INVESTA ATRAKTIF dimana dana dari berbagai pihak dapat dikumpulkan, diversifikasi investasi dapat lebih mudah dilakukan.