Others Klausul Contoh

Others. These Rules of Conduct are made by considering the Company’s Articles of Association and applicable regulations. Any matters that may take during the course of the Meeting that are not been regulated in this Rules of Conduct, will be addressed by the Chairman of the Meeting in consideration of the Company’s Articles of Association and applicable regulations. Jakarta, March 1st, 2018 Board of Directors PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk
Others. 7.1 All works are carried out based on the instructions of the Chief Assistant Director of Mechanical, Mechanical and Electrical Services Division, Kedah Irrigation and Drainage Department and the Supervising Officer of the work on site.
Others. Total 4,596.94 2,247.40 Total
Others. Total 8,265.22 1,979.80 Total
Others. Muka 1 ST1 PWDQ2017-15.25 3B
Others. Muka 3 Signature of Tenderer Name ......................................................... Date ......................................................... Signature of Witness Name ......................................................... Date ......................................................... ST3 PWDQ2017-15.25 3B
Others. 1. Any material that is included and submitted in the program must be the original creation and personal property of the participant, does not contain elements of violence, harassment, pornography, does not offend any discrimination and does not violate the intellectual property rights of any other party. The Participant shall indemnify and at all times keep indemnified and hold harmless the Organizer against any claims, loss, damage that may be suffered by it as a result of such infringement by the Participant without contestation or demur. 2. The Organizer is not responsible for any loss or third-party loss arising from the Participant's work. The Organizer does not accept any responsibility for inappropriate, delayed or misdirected entries and has no responsibility for any network, computer or software failures. The Organizer shall not be responsible for any loss of data, interception, transmission errors, corruption, delays.
Others. 1. If requested by the Bank, the Customer shall provide the Bank with information or documents as the Bank may reasonably request in connection with DBS Debit Card of the Customer and shall cooperate with the Bank in any investigation or legal proceeding.
Others. These Rules of Conduct are made with due regard to the Articles of Association of the Company and applicable regulations.
Others. 1. Hal-hal yang belum cukup diatur dalam Syarat dan Ketentuan Umum Berlangganan ini akan diatur lebih lanjut dalam brosur, leaflet, catalog produk, website Greenet (xxx.xxxxxxx.xx), pengumuman/pemberitahuan dan/atau dokumen lain yang diterbitkan secara resmi dari waktu ke waktu oleh PT. Green Net Indonesia. Matters that are not sufficiently regulated in these General Terms and Conditions will be further regulated in brochures, leaflets, product catalogs, Greenet Website (xxx.xxxxxxx.xx),