Risiko Perubahan Peraturan Perpajakan Klausul Contoh

Risiko Perubahan Peraturan Perpajakan. Sesuai peraturan perpajakan yang berlaku saat ini, kupon (bunga) obligasi dan diskonto (termasuk capital gain) dari hasil transaksi obligasi merupakan objek pajak dengan tarif pajak final. Tarif pajak final ditetapkan sebagai berikut:
Risiko Perubahan Peraturan Perpajakan g. Risk of Changes in Tax Regulations According to the current tax regulations, coupons (interest) on bonds and discounts (including capital gains) from bond transactions are subject to tax at the final tax rate. The final tax rate is set as follows:
Risiko Perubahan Peraturan Perpajakan. Dalam hal peraturan perpajakan atas MANULIFE SAHAM SYARIAH GLOBAL DIVIDEN DOLAR AS atau atas investasi pada Efek bersifat ekuitas dan Efek Bersifat Utang di kemudian hari direvisi, maka Tujuan Investasi dari MANULIFE SAHAM SYARIAH GLOBAL DIVIDEN DOLAR AS yang telah ditetapkan di depan dapat menjadi tidak terpenuhi karena kondisi, perkiraan dan informasi yang digunakan Manajer Investasi saat menyusun Tujuan Investasi MANULIFE SAHAM SYARIAH GLOBAL DIVIDEN DOLAR AS dan membuat Prospektus ini tidak berlaku (tidak relevan) lagi.
Risiko Perubahan Peraturan Perpajakan h. Risk of Changes in Tax Regulations The potential risk due to changes in tax rate regulations and other regulations that cause the investment objectives that have been set in advance before the Mutual Fund instrument is launched may not be fulfilled because the conditions, estimates and information used by the Investment Manager when setting investment objectives are no longer valid (irrelevant). If this risk occurs, then in this condition the Mutual Fund instrument can be dissolved. According to the current tax regulations, coupon (interest) on bonds and discounts (including capital gain) from bond transactions are subject to tax at the final tax rate. The final tax rate is set as follows:
Risiko Perubahan Peraturan Perpajakan. Dalam hal peraturan perpajakan atas MANULIFE SAHAM SYARIAH ASIA PASIFIK DOLLAR AS atau atas investasi pada Efek bersifat ekuitas dan Efek Bersifat Utang di kemudian hari direvisi, maka Tujuan Investasi dari MANULIFE SAHAM SYARIAH ASIA PASIFIK DOLLAR AS yang telah ditetapkan di depan dapat menjadi tidak terpenuhi karena kondisi, perkiraan dan informasi yang digunakan Manajer Investasi saat menyusun Tujuan Investasi MANULIFE SAHAM SYARIAH ASIA PASIFIK DOLLAR AS dan membuat Prospektus ini tidak berlaku (tidak relevan) lagi.
Risiko Perubahan Peraturan Perpajakan h. Risk of Changes in Tax Regulations The potential risk due to changes in tax rate regulations and other regulations that cause the investment objectives that have been set in advance before the Mutual Fund instrument is launched may not be fulfilled because the conditions, estimates and information used by the Investment Manager when setting investment objectives are no longer valid (irrelevant). If this risk occurs, then in this condition the Mutual Fund instrument can be dissolved. According to the current tax regulations, coupon (interest) on bonds and discounts (including capital gain) from bond transactions are subject to tax at the final tax rate. The final tax rate is set as follows: In the tax regulations are revised at a later date, such as if the tax rate changes that are not in accordance with the above provisions, the investment objectives of the Mutual Funds that have been determined in advance before the Mutual Funds are launched may not be fulfilled due to the conditions, estimates and information used by the Manager. Investment when setting up Mutual Fund investment objectives and making the previous (irrelevant) Prospectus again. If this risk occurs, then in this condition the Mutual Fund can be dissolved.

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