SISA BARANG Klausul Contoh

SISA BARANG. 6.1. Dalam hal terjadi kerugian atau kerusakan, Tertanggung bertanggung jawab, termasuk menjaga dan menyimpan sisa barang yang terselamatkan, jika ada.
SISA BARANG. 1. Dalam hal terjadi kerugian dan/atau kerusakan, Tertanggung wajib menjaga dan menyimpan sisa barang dan bagian Kendaraan Bermotor yang dapat diselamatkan.
SISA BARANG. 6.1. Dalam hal terjadi kerugian atau kerusakan, Tertanggung bertanggung jawab, termasuk menjaga dan menyimpan sisa barang yang terselamatkan, jika ada. 6.2. Ketentuan pada ayat (6.1.) di atas tidak dapat diartikan sebagai pengakuan tanggung jawab Penanggung berdasarkan polis ini. PASAL 7
SISA BARANG. 9.1. Dalam hal terjadi kerugian atau kerusakan, Tertanggung bertanggung jawab, termasuk menjaga dan menyimpan sisa existing or a higher premium rate, or 6.2.2. terminate this insurance at once with a refund premium as stipulated in item (25.2) of article 25 ARTICLE 7 REMOVAL AND CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP 7.1. This insurance shall not apply to any insured property which has been removed to room or floor or location or premises other than those mentioned in this Policy, unless the Insurer has agreed to such removal beforehand and stated it in Policy Endorsement. 7.2. In the event of a change of ownership of the property and or interest insured, whether on the basis of agreement or due to the death of the Insured, this Insurance shall automatically terminate 10 (ten) calendar days after such change of ownership, unless the Insurer has given his consent in writing to continue this Insurance. ARTICLE 8 OBLIGATION OF THE INSURED IN THE EVENT OF LOSS OR DAMAGE 8.1. The Insured, upon knowing or when it could be deemed that the Insured should have known about the occurrence of loss or damage to the property and or interest insured in this Policy, is obliged to : 8.1.1. immediately notify it to the Insurer; 8.1.2. within 7 (seven) calendar days after notification as stated in paragraph (8.1.1.) above, submit written notice containing circumstances of loss or damage known to him. Such written notice shall describe any item burnt, destroyed, lost, damaged and saved as well as the cause of loss or damage occurred; 8.1.3. at the latest within 12 (twelve) months from the occurrence of any loss and or damage, lodge a claim to the Insurer regarding the amount of loss incurred. 8.2. Upon the occurrence of the loss or damage, the Insured is obliged to: 8.2.1. as far as possible save the property and or interest insured and allow other party to save such property and or interest; 8.2.2. safeguard the property and or interest insured which still has salvage value; 8.2.3. provide full assistance to the Insurer or other party appointed by the Insurer to conduct investigation of the loss or damage occurred. All rights to indemnification shall be forfeited if the provisions of this article are not fulfilled by the Insured. ARTICLE 9
SISA BARANG. Dalam hal terjadi kerugian dan atau kerusakan, Tertanggung bertanggung jawab untuk menjaga dan menyimpan sisa barang dan bagian Kendaraan Bermotor yang dapat diselamatkan. Ketentuan pada ayat (1) di atas tidak dapat diartikan sebagai pengakuan tanggung jawab Penanggung berdasarkan polis ini. Sisa barang dan bagian Kendaraan Bermotor yang telah mendapatkan ganti rugi menjadi hak Penanggung.