Warranty. All warranty shall be lodge with the Superintending Officer before the date of practical completion
Warranty. 16.1 The successful tenderer shall guarantee to repair the damaged or malfunctioning equipment for a period of 12 months after the date of testing and commissioning. The Successful Tenderer shall enter any contingent price for which BPME JPS Kedah is not responsible for any payment if the structure and pump are damaged within the warranty period.
Warranty. ICI’ acrylic weather resistence (weathershield) shall carry a five (5) years guarantee jointly from the Manufacturer and Applicator (Contractor) against defective materials and workmanship on favour of the Employer. The Manufacturer or his agency is therefore responsible to oversee that the Applicator (Contractor) execute all the repainting works strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. This warranty shall commence when all the works are successfully completed and handed over the employer. All warranty shall be lodge with the Superintending Officer before the date of practical completion
Warranty. 16.1 The product must have minimum two (2) year warranty against manufacturing defects, parts, labour and software.
Warranty. If you paid a charge for the IBM SaaS then the Section 2 Warranty is replaced in its entirety by the following:
Warranty. SAP warrants that the Software will substantially conform to the specifications contained in the Documentation for six months following delivery. The warranty shall not apply:
(i) if the Software is not used in accordance with the Documentation; or (ii) if the defect is caused by a Modification or Add-on (other than a Modification or Add-on made by SAP and which is provided through SAP support or under warranty), Licensee or third-party software. SAP does not warrant that the Software will operate uninterrupted or that it will be free from minor defects or errors that do not materially affect such performance, or that the applications contained in the Software are designed to meet all of Licensee's business requirements. Provided Licensee notifies SAP in writing with a specific description of the Software’s nonconformance within the warranty period and SAP validates the existence of such nonconformance, SAP will, at its option: a) repair or replace the nonconforming Software, or b) refund the license fees paid for the applicable nonconforming Software in exchange for a return of such nonconforming Software. This is Licensee’s sole and exclusive remedy under this warranty.
Warranty. 10.1 DYXY represents and warrants that:
(a) DYXY has the unrestricted right and authority to enter into this Agreement, and to grant the rights and Licenses contemplated hereunder with respect to the PRODUCTS; and
(b) DYXY has all rights in and to all patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets or other proprietary rights associated with the PRODUCTS that are necessary to market, distribute, and license the PRODUCTS.
Warranty. 3.8.1 When a prefabricated cold formed steel roof truss system is used, the Contractor shall submit to the S.O. a warranty from the S.P. with the following provisions:
(i) The products used are genuine and free from manufacturing defects;
(ii) The prefabricated cold formed steel roof truss system is installed in accordance with the S.P.’s instructions, guidance and specifications that will deliver the specified level of performance;
(iii) The warranty certificate shall cover a period of ten (10) years from the date of Certificate of Practical Completion against any defect or failure due to the installation and workmanship by the S.P.’s registered panel installer.
Warranty. 8.1 Jaminan Standar Sandvik Mining and Rock Technology yang berlaku pada tanggal Penerimaan Pesanan akan berlaku pada Barang yang disediakan Sandvik dan akan disediakan kepada Pelanggan berdasarkan Penerimaan Pesanan.
8.2 Sepanjang klausul 8.1 tidak berlaku, Sandvik menjamin bahwa Barang yang disediakan akan, selama digunakan dengan tepat, bebas dari cacat materi dan pengerjaan dan sesuai dengan Kontrak untuk periode selama 3 bulan. Dalam klausul 8 “digunakan dengan tepat” berarti instalasi, pengujian, pengoperasian dan pemeliharaan sesuai dengan dokumentasi Sandvik dan “cacat” berarti setiap cacat dan/atau kelalaian dalam materi atau pengerjaan dan setiap ketidaksesuaian dengan Kontrak. Sandvik dalam keadaan apapun tidak memberikan jaminan apapun atas bagian atau komponen yang diproduksi dan/atau disediakan oleh setiap pihak ketiga, kecuali disepakati lain.
8.3 dengan tunduk pada klausul 14.2, jaminan di dalam klausul 8.1 dan 8.2 adalah pengganti dari seluruh jaminan atau persyaratan lainnya yang secara tegas, tersirat atau wajib, termasuk tetapi tidak terbatas pada jaminan kepuasan kualitas dan kecocokan utnuk tujuan tertentu dan setiap ganti rugi atas kerugian konsekuensial atau lainnya terhadap produksi Barang. Tidak ada pemberian jaminan baik secara tegas maupun tersirat kecuali secara tegas diberikan secara tertulis oleh Sandvik.
8.4 Sepanjang Sandvik tidak diperbolehkan oleh hukum untuk mengecualikan tanggung jawabnya, kewajiban Sandvik berdasarkan klausul 8 ini akan terbatas pada opsi Sandvik untuk memperbaiki atau mengganti dengan baik setiap Barang yang cacatnya terlihat atau dalam hal Layanan biaya untuk menyediakan Layanan kembali. Setiap klaim jaminan harus diberitahukan secara tertulis oleh Pelanggan kepada Sandvik dalam priode jaminan yang berlaku.
8.1 The Sandvik Mining and Rock Technology Standard Warranty applicable at the date of Order Acceptance shall apply to the Goods supplied by Sandvik and shall be made available to the Customer upon Order Acceptance.
8.2 To the extent that clause 8.1 does not apply, Sandvik warrants that the Goods supplied shall, under proper use, be free from defects in materials and workmanship and conform to the Contract for a period of 3 months. In this clause 8 “proper use” means installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance in accordance with Sandvik documentation and “defects” means any defect and/or omission in materials or workmanship and any nonconformity with the Contract. In no event does Sandv...
Warranty a. The Seller warrants that the Goods delivered to Heinz ABC will be of commercial standard and that where Heinz ABC has supplied written specifications and/or requirements the Goods will conform with such specifications and/or requirements. The Seller also warrants that descriptions, representations, pricing and conditions as to fitness or suitability for any purpose, tolerance to any conditions, merchantability or otherwise whether of a like nature or not or whether expressed or implied by law, trade, custom or otherwise shall comply with the laws of the Country and of such other country as may be relevant. These warranties by the Seller shall also apply in the case of Goods consisting of foodstuffs or to be used as raw materials or ingredients in the manufacture or processing of foodstuffs in ensuring that they shall be fit for human consumption and free from adulteration or foreign materials and shall comply with all the relevant food and hygiene statutes and regulations both in the Country and in any other such relevant country as to composition, processing (if any), packaging and description.
b. Seller shall at all times comply with the Kraft Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Supplier Guiding Principles as specified in the attachment of this Terms.
c. Seller shall, and shall procure that i ts officers, personnel, agents, sub-contractors and any other persons act on behalf of it in connection with implementation of this Terms shall:
(i ) not commit any act or omission which causes or could cause it or Heinz ABC to breach, or commit an offence under, any laws relating to anti-bribery and/or anti-corruption (including the United States Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, the United Kingdom Bribery Act 2010 and the laws of any other applicable jurisdiction) and agree not to pay any bribe, directly or indirectly, includingany facilitating or expediting payment, in order to benefit Heinz ABC;
(i i ) menaati kebijakan Heinz ABC tentang anti suap dan/atau anti-korupsi yang diperbaharui dari waktu ke waktu; perhatian Penjual sehubungan dengan hal ini secara khusus diarahkan kepada Kode Etik Perilaku Global perusahaan induk Heinz ABC (yang berlaku terhadap Heinz ABC), yang tersedia di xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xxx atau yang akan disampaikan oleh Xxxxx ABC dari waktu ke waktu;