GAS STORAGE EXTENSION VESSEL. To obtain the corresponding evaluation points the Bidder must provide procurement, installation, connection, and commissioning of a helium gas storage vessels extension system for the LASA plant. As a baseline it is assumed that the Bidder would replicate the existing system (labeled as “B2bis” + “B4bis”, see attached “00A2 – Gas Vessels Schematics.pdf” and namely: - 2 vessels 3.5 Nm3 volume each, 220 bar maximum operating pressure. - Compliancy to the existing concrete basement and “hooking” that are already in place aside existing and external helium gas storage vessel. - Instrumenting of the vessel for remote monitoring - Piping and connection to the existing gas plant Further information and photos are available in the attached document “00A1 - LASA Cryogenic Plant – 2022.pdf” The Bidder could submit its best alternative solutions to the baseline, with comparable overall parameters for evaluation. To obtain the corresponding evaluation points the Bidder must provide in its technical offer, evidence of improved performances of the liquefier above the requirements reported in Table 2 Mode #1 (liquefaction with pure helium and liquid nitrogen precooling). The improvement in performance in terms of additional liters/hour will be used for evaluation, assuming that all other performance requirements are fulfilled within the budget cap.